Life Serial

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It was late, around two in the morning when Nick and I entered the house from the backyard. We had finished a hunt, we carried in the fresh blood jars we filled, and sat them on the counter. I tossed my keys down, flicking on the light and turned to start putting stuff away. Grabbing clean bottles I had washed earlier from the drain rack, and a box of freezer bags, and other things we needed.

Nick brought in two dishpans full of what little meat we could savage and sat it in the sink to get ready for packaging and freezing.

"I'm thinking of inviting Spike next time." I said thinking to myself. "He's over a hundred years old and has never hunted the way we do, I'd like to see what he can do... maybe show him our way of life." 

Nick looked at me, rolling his eyes making me look at him. I raised my eyebrow. 

"What's with that look?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Thought you were cool with him now."

"Hell no just cause he came around a lot when you were..... gone doesn't mean I like him." He told me calmly. "I hate him,  I can't forgive him for what he did to you. I don't understand how you could give him another chance. He tried to kill you and Buffy countless times, I can't believe I looked up to him."

"Mates are complicated. Someday your going to go through it too and I hope that you and Dawn are prepared for what might happen." I told him earning a sad look, making me feel bad.

"I won't chose anyone over Dawn." He said making me smile on the inside. Awe my little brother. "I don't care who it is, she's mine."

"I thought the same when I was with Oz." I muttered earning a look. "I loved Oz with everything I had, he was my first love. Even when I saw Spike and learned he was my mate, I pushed it away because I wanted Oz, but although Oz was my first love and he always will be, Spike is my soul mate. Like mom use to say mates are chosen for us. I know you love Dawn but if someday you find out your not mates it will hurt you both...and with her being human, she'll get the worst part."

"I don't think I'll ever understand." He said making me grin. "but Dawn and Spike are different subjects."

"I know he did horrible things but if you keep thinking about all the bad, you'll never see the good." I told him shrugging it off. "Think about Grandpa and Dad or even Grandma all of them had done things in their past that were horrible....Grandpa killed many even women and children but after meeting Grandma he changed and realized what he did was wrong. It was because of Grandma that he started to believe in equality, he spent the rest of his existence fighting for it."

Nick sighed making me frown.

"We were born but Dad, Grandpa they weren't, they were forced into this life." I added feeling a little fire building at the thought. "Spike was forced into it too, just look at who his maker is."

I sneered a little at that, thinking of said person.

"She's bonkers" I told him making him smirk. "At least Grandpa was more smart when he turned Dad and aunt Nora."

"Okay, Okay I get it." He told me sighing.

"By the way I wanted to talk about my plans and things that might happen." I told him.

He took off his jacket and stepped up to the other side of the isle, rolling up his sleeves, looking at me expectantly.

"Well first off Anya asked me to come back to work the blood bank at the shop, so extra money will be coming in. We can't always rely on the family vault." I said pulling out a large pot for heating the blood up before pouring into the new labeled bottles. "We need to start sorting through the money we have, separate it and start putting together things for your future. We have a meeting with King Calum to talk about what you want to do, it doesn't have to be a sure plan but you should voice your ideas."

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