She's Back!

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(Short POV)

Deep inside a dark crypt in the state of Louisiana, down the stairs to the big open area there were stones that stood tall. Four of them had couple plots such as Freya and Thomas De Luca, Anastasia and Godric Gaul, Eric and Camillia Northman, along with Tabitha and Gabriel Valentine. These graves belonged to a very famous and well-known family.

 Beside Eric and Camillia, there laid a fresh grave, the dirt had been smoothed over but was fresh. Under the earth there was a coffin and in it laid the one and only Victoria Northman who laid as if she was just asleep. This was her only request to be buried by her mother and father. A bunch of flowers were placed neatly along with other small trinkets on top of the ground.

Suddenly there was a sound of sharp intake. Victoria's lifeless body came to life her eyes snapped open, glowing red and fangs barred, she stared at the stone top in panic.


(Tori's POV)

My hand broke free from the ground as I pulled myself out of the fresh dirt and in took the earthly smell. I looked around a dark room, it was pitch black, but my eyes were able to adapt, and I could see things clearly. I looked over to my side seeing a bunch of stones with names and pictures on them and then behind me there was another stone but this one had my name and picture. I tilted my head in confusion and crawled to my feet. Looking down I was wearing a black long dress and heeled boots. 

I looked back up and saw a set of stairs, piquing my curiosity I went over and walked up them, to a big stone door. I pushed open the door and a blinding light came bursting through. I covered my eyes groaning in pain and annoyance. It took me a few minutes to remove my hand and blink trying to get used to it. 

Once my eyes were somewhat adjusted, I stepped out of the place and looked around. The sky was pretty, and the sun was shining making it a perfect day. A breeze blew through, swaying my hair which was now covered and shriveled with dirt. I took in a deep breath and caught something, that made my heart feel like jumping. 

The smell of bleach, I knew that smell from somewhere and it was pretty heavy meaning whoever it was just left here five hours ago but it was fresh. It was like something was calling me and I had to follow it, so with one last look at the place I was just in I took off running, speeding after it.   


I walked through the bottom part of town called Sunnydale, after passing the welcome sign a few miles back. A car was on fire, half burnt already. The street was littered with debris. Everything was blurry, I kept walking following the bleach scent. 

I stopped walking to stare at a car. A demon on his motorcycle went roaring past, throwing something as he went by. I watched him, backing away. I kept walking down until I reached a residential street. 

I felt a burning pain in my throat, I stopped leaning against the car parked on a driveway rubbing my neck. The car lights suddenly came on and started wailing and honking.

I whimpered covering my ears, it was too loud. The house lights came on, and the front door opened.

"What are you doing?" A male's voice asked. I looked at him through my fingers seeing a shotgun in his hands. "Get away from there! Do you hear me! I said get off my property!"

The man fired the gun, I turned speeding off.


My throat was still burning with thirst as I walked down another street, looking around.

There was a group gathered in an open space, with a few barrels full of tire, a burning pile of trash behind them.

"This here is a momentous occasion, the beginning of a new era." Some demon said. "Now, no question, the open back roads and highways have been good to us. But we've got ourselves a juicy little burg here, just ripe for the picking. And I ain't in no hurry to leave it, you?"

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