Never Leave Me

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"Are you sure about this?" Nick asked. 

I stood inside the airport of Sunnydale; Olivia was holding onto my hand tightly, Nick was with us. We were sending Olivia off to Boston to stay with Alexis and my great aunt Carissa. 

Carissa had a son, Alexis's baby brother around Olivia's age so she would have someone her own age to play with.

"She'll be safer." I told him laying a hand on Olivia's head. 

"But what do we even know about this great aunt Carissa?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Except she visits every ten or so years, we haven't spoken to Alexis in like three years."

"Show some respect Nicky." I told him firmly. "Carissa was Godric's sister, she's like Godric in so many ways except for she's a tribrid...she is also the oldest matriarch in our family, don't disrespect her." 

"What's a Tribrid?" Olivia asked looking up at me. 

"It's a cross between a witch, vampire and wolf." I told her making her nod. "In our world it's a rare combo and very powerful." 

"That's kind of cool." She said making me smile. "I can't wait to see Ben."

"Do you remember what we talked about?" I asked raising an eyebrow, I kneeled down so I was eye level with my child.

"I have to listen to everything Carissa or Alexis tells me to do, don't disobey them." She said slowly like she was trying to remember. "I'm not allowed to go hunting unless they say otherwise, bottled blood only... and no using any of my gifts like running or anything in front of humans and above all no wondering and be respectful at all times."

"Good girl." 

She smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders hugging me. 

"Take this time to learn new things, and met another side of our family." I told her gently. "But don't forget to have fun too, Boston is an amazing place... Your daddy has some history there too." 

"Really?" She asked tilting her head. 

I nodded. 

"Maybe someday he'll tell you." I told her smiling. 

"Miss. Northman." A voice said making us look up. 

There was a woman dressed in a black skirted dress suit and sunglasses, dark hair coming towards us.  I stood up looking her over.

"I'm Mrs. Travis, Ms. Lovelace's worker, she sent me to pick young Olivia up." The woman said holding her hand out. 

Staying proper I shook her hand.

"Oh right." I muttered politely, putting Olivia down and laid a hand on her head. "This is Olivia. This is her first time flying but she should be fine. There are bagged treats in her travel bag, enough to hold her until she gets there." 

The woman nodded and glanced down at Olivia who stared at me.

I kneeled down eye level with my daughter and gave her another hug. 

"It won't be for long baby, it's just until this big bad passes." I told her calmly, feeling tears building in my eyes but refused to let them fall. "I'll call you every day, Daddy and I both will come get you when this is over."

She nodded, pulling back. She turned and hugged Nicky for a second before turning, the woman held her hand out to my girl, Livy took it and walked away looking back at us. 

I watched her until I couldn't anymore, this would be our first real separation since she was born but I knew this was safer for her, I didn't want her to see her father like this or get wrapped up in this danger.

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