Wild At Heart

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(No one's POV)

In the campus late at night, Victoria ran into a secluded area followed by a man both with their game faces on. She whipped around on him and kicked him in the stomach, sending him to the ground.

"Thanks for the relocate. I perform better without an audience" She said smirking, the vampire got to his feet and she grabbed him, punching him in the face a few times. "You were thinking what a little helpless co-ed before bed?....It's vampires like you that give the rest of us bad names."

She staked him with her dagger and he turned to dust with no reaction.

"That's it?" Victoria asked rolling her eyes in annoyance. "That's all I get? One lame-ass hellmouth vamp with no appreciation for my painstakingly thought-out puns. I don't think the forces of darkness are even trying. I mean, you could make a little effort here, you know? Give me something to work with....wonder if Buffy's having any luck."


In the distance a formilar bleach blonde watched her,.

"Watch your mouth, little girl. You should know better than to tempt the fates that way. 'Cause the big bad is back, And this time, it's... " His voice was cut off, his body shook suddenly from an electric shock and fell to the ground passed out, and dragged away.

Victoria felt slight pain in her chest and turned around checking her area, not seeing anyone she shrugged putting her dagger back in her pouch and walked off.


(Tori's POV)

Sitting at the Bronze with the gang, I sat with my hand linked with Oz's while it laid in my lap, I nursed a glass of coke and a thing of nachos. 

Oz thought I didn't know what was going on between him and that She-wolf, he probably thought I haven't figured out what she was, I'm not that naïve, I know not all wolves are friendly, there are good ones and bad ones. When my grandmother died her power over them disappeared so a lot of the wolf packs had to figure things out for themselves. Some still follow the rules she created but some don't. There were a lot of lone weres roaming around, those who were kicked out of their packs. 

 I just wish Oz would tell me instead of keeping it from me, but maybe he will and I'm just being insecure again.  I decided to ignore it and take a bite out of my cheesy nachos. 

"The bronze is more is more fun this year" Willow said making me look over at her. "Isn't it? Cause of the gloating factor alone, you know? We're all about college now. We've got heady discourse."

"Yeah" Oz added. "Curfew-free nights of mom and popless hootenanny."

"Coed dating prospects who find townies sexy and dangerous." Xander said, I gave him a look and he stared back at me. "What, I can dream"

"Right." Buffy said. "So if college is so great, what are we doing here and why is it more fun?"

"Because the bronze is nice and familiar." Willow said. "It's like a big comfy blanky. You know with everything that's happened. It's nice to have one place that you can come back to where everything's predicable."

I shrugged, nodding in agreement with my best friend, taking another bite and a drink from my glass.

"Hello" A voice greeted, we turned seeing Giles walking up. Buffy and I shared a look, then looked at him in panic.

"Giles trouble?" I asked.

"Oh, no, girls" Giles told us waving his hand dismissively. "Don't get up. No. Nothing like that. No, I just, you know, I thought I'd drop by. Uh, latte anyone? On me?"

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