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Outside the school, things were finally happy well they were getting there.

Willow was lying on a grassy area levitating a pencil floated up and started to slowly turn over. Willow smiled at her success.

Chewing on a bag of jerky, I had my sketch book in my lap drawing a random picture.

Now that Faith has been put on watcher duty full time and everything was getting back to normal, well sort of normal. Even though Trick is gone, I still had a lot to do. Finding the leader of them. 

 Mom and I have been talking college life and I've been meeting with the vampire elders and king. I've never really thought about what I wanted to do, I mean I was so obsessed with finding dad's killer and keeping this town safe I never stopped to think what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I mean I'm good at many different things but which path was meant for me. 

Beside us was Buffy doing sit-ups.

"The Watcher Council shrink is heavy into tests. He's got tests for everything. T.A.T.s, Rorschach, associative logic..." Buffy told us with a grunt and sat up. "He even has that test to see if you're crazy that asks if you ever hear voices or even wanted to be a florist."

"Ooo I used to want...." Willow said before she thought it over.  "Wait. Florist means crazy right?" Will turned back to her pencil. "I never wanted to do that."

I smiled glancing up to see her pencil turning over slowly in the air. Very impressive. 


"Thanks it's all about emotional control plus obviously, magic." She said looking between us giddily. "Hey, you wanna go to the Espresso Pump and get sugared up on mochas?"

"I'm gonna pass" I told her focusing on my sketch. "Think I'll go train, run some laps, maybe get my punching bag out or maybe I'll take a run up to Canada and spare with Rome."

"Canada?" Buffy repeated looking at me like I was crazy.

"Yeah." I told her nodding slowly. "It's not that far with my speed."

"How come all the sudden calisthenics?" Willow asked. "Can't you just use your superpowers."

"Well, they've got us running around on the physical side, too. A lot of reflex evaluation and precision training, I can't always rely on my skills" I told her. "I just wanna do-"

"Better than Faith?" Will said sitting up "Competition is natural and healthy plus I know you don't like her. I know you'll both definitely ace her on the psych tests."

"Yeah" I muttered rolling my eyes. "Just remember don't mark the box that says 'I sometimes like to kill people and blame it on the vamp girl'."

"C'mon Tori, I know Faith's not gonna be on the cover of Sanity Fair" Buffy told me ruefully. "But...she had it rough, Different circumstances, that could be us."

"No way" Willow told her shaking her head glancing between us. "Some people just don't have that in them."

 "I'm sorry, we know how you hate talking about Faith." I told Will.

"No it's okay." She told us gently. 

"No really we should just...." Buffy said trailing off. 

I glanced at the pencil seeing it spinning wildly.

"No I-it doesn't bother me I mean it." Willow said.

 "Uh, Will?" I said indicating to the pencil.

Willow looked at it.


 An instant later it darted off and buried itself deeply into a tree.

Willow gave us a concerned look.

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