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DAMN THIS THING. My head fucking hearts like hell. What the fuck happened? Am I in hell? I can't say I will go to heaven if I'm already aware that I'm a demon myself. Wait.. bad grass can't easily die. Then I'm alive?

"Glad you're awake.." Someone said. Tsk. Do he expect me to die? Rude.

"Fuck you. I won't die. Many ladies will cry." He chuckled. I decided to open my eyes and the first thing that welcomed me is the blurry white ceiling. I'm in the hospital, I guess?

What is the last thing that happened?

I'm on my date..

My date tried to poison me...

Then, I drunk that poison— O, wait! I remember now!

"Oh, fucking... Fuck.. I'm alive? Then, that poison—" I got cut off by Wonwoo whose leaning against the wall while arms are crossed.

"It's not a poison. Good thing my mens immediately switched it to sleeping powder." So, I didn't drink that shit?

I sighed in relief, knowing I won't die. That made me smiled and close my eyes. "I don't know what's happening.. enlighten me please."

"This one particular company wants you out of the business world since they noticed that your parents company are a threat to them so, scared of what might happen to their company, they chosed to kill their enemy's son so your parents won't able to have their heiress." Wonwoo explained then I heard the sound of his steps that walked toward besides of my bed where one of the seats are located.

"But, don't worry. I already summoned few of my mens to kill them and be the new holder of their company. That's what they got from getting in my way.." I don't know but, there's something that I couldn't explain in Wonwoo's words. I can't point it out but I think, there's really something in that topic that made Wonwoo do it.

"Thank you..." Before falling into my deep slumber.


I can't remember but ever since that day, I stopped dreaming about Wonwoo. I can't find him there. I don't know why and I don't know what's the purpose. I just don't know.

Wonwoo already went back to his company and most of the workers were so happy for his comeback. The company is already stable and everything already went back to normal.

But, just recently, day by day, I'm starting to get confused as fuck and my mind were in a mess and keeps arguing with this particular reason. I keep on avoiding about it but it keeps on bugging me about it.

I don't know what to do but I'm starting to question myself. Why am I feeling it this way? I'm not supposed to feel it. Not with him.

I can't understand myself. I need answers. I'm full with questions that I couldn't find the answers. Day by day, it keeps on adding more questions. Like, adding fuel to the fire and it gets worse and worse everyday.

Because of that, it affect my behavior and the way I think. I become stress and I begun to avoid Wonwoo because of it.

I need to collect myself. I need it. I need to. I'm so messed up. Fuck it!

"People say that aliens don't exist then, why my friends do looked like it?"

A voice of Hansol suddenly brought me back from my senses. Shit. I've been in my deep thoughts.

"It's just you. Don't tag us along. You're just hallucinating things." Seokmin said before leaning his back against his seat.

"If I'm an alien.. then, I'm too handsome to be one." Jun butt in before I decided to leave the house towards to no where. I just want to be alone. It's so stressful. I can't think properly.

When I got out of the house, a black car parked in front of the house that made me confused. Who could it be?

Out of curiosity, I stalked my way toward it and saw someone leaning against the parked car. So, he's here? Does he noticed I've been avoiding him for a month?

"Mr. Jeon?" He turned his head to looked at me and he's.. smoking? This is the first time I saw him smoke.

He got a pretty bad panda eyes and his hair are messy. The fuck happened to him?

"What are you doing here?" He immediately throw the cigarette on his hand toward the floor and stepped on it before releasing some smoke out if his mouth. He, then, walked towards me with his hands inside of his pocket.

"I know you're avoiding me.." His voice is husky. Damn! "I want you to tell me why.." I'm tensed from his stares like every minute he could eat me alive.

"I did my best so you could speak to me or something but none. You avoided all of the efforts. Did I do something wrong? That one month of you avoiding me become hell for me. I couldn't take not speaking with you nor looking at you directly on the eyes.. thanks to you I already realized everything I'm confused about back then.. thanks to that one month, I already confirmed everything." That made me bit my lower lip. What is he talking about?

"Mingyu... Please.. if something's wrong.. tell me.." Both of his hands brushed up his face. "Mingyu.. please stop avoiding me.. I can't take it.." He stepped forward that made me stepped backward. Gosh. I could smell the alcohol on him. Is he drunk?!

"I've been known as the evil boss if you don't know... But, since after that day I met you, even it's just a dreams, I started to changed.." He continued, "I was confused at first but I slowly understand why.. But, it hurts that you're trying to avoid me.." He suddenly lost his balance and fell onto my arms.

"H-Hey.." And for the first time, since after I stood up infront of him awhile ago, a word escaped my lips while holding him.

"Fuck, Mingyu... I'm ready to lose my sanity just to have you.. stop avoiding me please.. fuck..."

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