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Mingyu PoV.

"Where are the others?" Chan asked besides me. We're currently walking on this endless streets for about half an hour now and still, we couldn't find them.

"Have you texted them?" Chan shook his head as he showed me his phone. "My phone was dead."

"I left my phone with Jeonghan hyung and I only have my camera with me.." I said before we stopped in front of the candy stall. Chan patted my shoulder and pointed at something. I turned around to see that he's pointing at the candy stall behind us.

"Look, Chan. I know you wanna eat but I don't have my wallet with me." I reasoned but he didn't budge and continued to point his index finger towards the stall.



We looked besides us and saw Seungcheol hyung while carrying a food on his hands, walking towards us. Life savior indeed! Noice!

Chan immediately waved his hands and run towards hyung. I sighed and waited for them to stop in front of me. "Where's the others?" I asked when they reached me.

Soonyoung shrugged his shoulders as he proceeded eating his rice cake.

"How'd you find Soonyoung hyung?" Chan asked besides Cheol hyung while I watched him eat his food that he stole from hyung.

"He looks lost awhile ago while staring at the clown making some magic on the stall." Hyung laughed and pointed at Soonyoung who jokingly punched his shoulder. I shook my head before we proceeded walking.

We reached the nearest fountain and sat on the bench in front of it. I stayed standing while taking some photos before my camera captured something.

I looked down to confirm my theory about the picture I captured. Wonwoo?

I looked up and tried to find him but, he was already out of the sight. Am I just dreaming again? I tried to looked around and spot him but, I couldn't even recognize those people whom I landed my eyes on.

I looked back on the picture on my camera and saw him there, holding a camera while looking down to it and wearing his smile.

"Yow guys! Guess what happened?" Hansol caught my attention that made me look back to my friends. Few of them already arrived as we continued to wait from the others.

"Junhui just popped!"


"Fuck you all!"

I once again sighed before I sat on the bench near my place. I started to check all of the pictures that I captured and smiled of how satisfied I am with these pictures.

The last photo made me stopped as I stare at it with a frown. Even in this event you're here?


"Next is hiking in the mountain!" Soonyoung yelled while we're heading back to our van. Seokmin and him fist bumped before shouting a loud yes that made those people around us looked at us.

I don't know these guys.

When all of us were officially inside of the van, the driver immediately starts the engine and drove away to whatever place were meant to stop next.

I wish this time, Wonwoo isn't there.

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