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AND AS WHAT Wonwoo told me before, he's taking the whole one week break with me and decided to tag me along on his vocation. I'm honestly bothered by the thought that I left the guy's without telling them where I'm really exactly going.

And I'm also bothered too by remembering what I've read on my mother's letter five days ago. Every word of the letter are still longing in my head. They're stuck and I couldn't forget it.


Mom sent me a letter. Why would she tell her to not mention her name if I can really tell it was her who sent it to me?

But, anyways, enough with that questions for a moment. I took the letter and started to read it.

Dear Mingyu,

We're sorry for sending you away with that date. We didn't know it will result to something we're not expecting. I'm so selfish to push you with something you're not comfortable to. But, I assure you that, this is the last time I will set you up. But, one thing is for sure my dear, they won't stop until you're dead.

They want you out. So, please be safe while we secure your safety.

Love, mom.

Slowly, I scrapple the paper on my hand before letting out few heavy deep sighs. My free hand ran up to my hair and messed up with it before I frustratedly stood up from my seat and throw the paper on my hand toward the trashcan not fr away from my location.

End of flashback...

"Hey, you okay?" Wonwoo's voice suddenly echoed inside of my head that took me back from my senses. I looked at him confused while he stare at me and waiting for my answer.

"Pardon? Are you saying something?" I asked him, but he just shake his head before patting my head and mess around with my hair.

"Hey, stop it!" I hissed at him, annoyingly. He chuckled before clearing his throat. His face immediately changed its expression before looking somewhere.

"Where do you wanna eat?" He asked me so I looked around us before deciding where.


"You've been spacing out since this morning. Is something wrong?" Wonwoo started as he continues to eat the food, serve for him.

"I-It's nothing." I beamed at him to assure him that everything is fine so he won't notice something is suspicious about me.

"Are you sure? You look pale? Are you sick?" He was about to move from his seat to touch my forehead when I stopped him from doing so.

"You ain't like this when I first met you. You care for me alot now and the sudden change of you is beyond me that I have to catch up and get used to it day by day. But, I'm telling the truth, I'm fine." He just sighed and nodded his head before we continue finishing our food, quietly.

Where now inside of his car, driving towards our exact location. Wonwoo I the driver while I sat on the front seat. The ride is quiet and we barely talk. It's not uncomfortable, the silence is actually comforting that helps me fall asleep.

The next thing I woke up, the car isn't moving anymore. I sat properly and yawned before stretching both of my arms as I looked around to find Wonwoo.

I found him still on the driver's seat, asleep. He's leaning on the steering wheel while facing me. I was about to move a bit when something fell off from me. When I checked what is it, it's just a blanket.

Maybe he wrapped this around me while I'm sleeping? I guess so.

It's already evening and we're currently in some place where we can see the whole city from the ground. The view is relaxing.

"Hmm, you're awake?" I immediately nodded before he smiled and sat properly. "I'm sorry that I have to stop here. I'm really tired. 'hope it doesn't bother you."

"No, it's fine. This place is actually beautiful. I've never been here before." W-Wonwoo immediately looked besides him to see the busy city and it's shining lights.

"Wanna go outside and check it?" He, then, turned again to look at me.

I slowly nodded my head that made him smile. "Let's go then."

We got out and stalked our way towards the railings as the cold air suddenly brushed upon our skip and make our hair wavy.

I placed both of my arms on the railings while I stare at the city infront of me in awe. It's beautiful.

"Hey, remember the day when we first met each other?" Wonwoo suddenly appeared besides me as he leaned his back on the railings and slid his hands from both sides of his pocket.

I nodded before answering. "Yeah.."

"I remember that time before I dreamed about you." He continued, "It was that day when I and Lindsay got an argument that lead me if we're even meant for each other. Something that made me question if she's really my soulmate.." He stopped and released some chuckles.

"I went out of our house to cool my mind and didn't went home in one day and that's when I dreamed about you." That took my attention.

"What do you mean? I don't get it." He looks up. "Out of guilt that I felt about our arguments, I wished that night if I can dreamed about her to say sorry... If I can dreamed about the love of my life.. and instead of Lindsay.. you appeared.." The scenario feels familiar.

Wait- I remembered something. "I remember wishing in that wishing well if I can meet my soulmate.. and later that day.. I dreamed about you.." Could it be.. no.. is he really? So.. he's.. he's.. we're.. "Soulmates."

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