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WIDE EYES and shocked, I was frozen in place. Unmoving for a couple of seconds until my mind came back to me, with all of my strength, I pushed him away from me and immediately shot him with my shady glares.

I was in fury as I glare at him in disbelief fused into one as I stare at him. The killing intent of my eyes were palpable. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

He stare at me for a couple of seconds before looking down and brushed his hands on his face. "Fuck.. I-I'm sorry.. I didn't meant to do that.. I was just—"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! FUCK!" With a boiling anger growing inside of me, I went out of the car and cursed so many times underneath my breath as the memory from what happened keeps on recalling in my mind.

"ARE YOU EVEN OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" I yelled when he got out of the car and looks at me.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Both of my hands gripped my hair as I walked back and forth in one place. I don't care if people stare at us. I'm so pissed off! I didn't expect the outcome!

"Mingyu, I'm sorry.. I was just jealous that I didn't controlled myself.. I'm sorry.." He immediately held both of my shoulders and make me face him.

I huffed in anger and yelled at him once again. "SO IT'S MY FAULT NOW?!"

"No.. it's not that.. I'm so sorry.. please forgive me.. I didn't mean it." I'm breathing heavily when I decided to swat both of his hands off of me and stalked my way inside of his car without any word.

He immediately followed me inside while he sat on the driver's seat and heard him released a deep breath.

"I want to rest." There's no point of getting mad and yelling at him when it already happened. And as what I told him, he quickly drive us towards our hotel.


I immediately hopped out of the car without talking to him. He called for my name but I didn't look back. I stalked my way towards of the elevator and walked inside when it opens. Wonwoo followed but he's not still saying any words. I don't care either.

And when the door opens to our floor, I immediately got out of the elevator and stalk my way towards my room. I'm about to swipe my car to unlock the door when someone held me by the wrist and pulled me back.

I stumbled upon of a hard chest and realized it was Wonwoo. "LET GO!"

Wonwoo just closed his eyes after I swat my hands away from him. "I'm deeply sorry, Mingyu. I'm so sorry."

I just throw him a look before swiping my car and went inside before shutting him my door. Fuck!

Unconsciously, I leaned my back against the door and slid down until I sat on the floor while holding my hair. I was just teasing him but I couldn't imagine that the results of my actions will lead us here. Fuck!


"No.. it's not that.. I'm so sorry.. please forgive me.. I didn't mean it."

And he has the audacity to apologize when I'm the one who lead him to do that.. It's my fault but he's taking the blame so that I will forgive him? Why doesn't he told me that it's my fault that he kissed me?! What is he apologizing for?!

I'm at fault here!

I'm the one whose supped to be saying sorry!


Out of frustration, I took a deep breath and released them slowly before opening my eyes and stumped my foot towards the bathroom. I need to cool my mind for a while.

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