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Mingyu's PoV.

"I'm so full. These foods are so delicious!" Soonyoung besides me said while holding his tummy. He's right. These foods we ate are so delicious! I can't deny that fact.

"Okay, Kids. It's time to get going." Seungcheol hyung stood up while he fished from his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

"I'm just, going to pay." He left our tables before the rest of us stood up and started to walk outside of the restaurant. Minghao immediately went to the driver seats as the rest of the guys hopped in the passengers seats.

We waited for Cheol hyung to arrive so that Minghao can now starts driving. Few minutes passed, and we saw Seungcheol hyung exited the restaurant and walked towards our van before hopping inside.

"To our main destination, Hao." Minghao nodded his head before starting the engines and drove away.

This is gonna be another long ride.



"Hyung, wake up.."

As I opened both of my eyes, the sun lights immediately hit my eyes that made me looked to another direction. I saw Dokyeom besides me while staring blankly at me. "What?"

He shook his head before tapping my right shoulder. "We're here, come on now. The guys are already outside, waiting for us." I nodded my head before yawning. Dokyeom already hopped out as I followed him to the back of the van to get our luggage.

Soon enough, we're already inside of the said hotel with the others.

"Where's Seungcheol hyung?" I asked Chan besides me. He pointed at someone as I followed it with my gaze. "A, there." I mumbled while staring at the olders among of us gets our hotel room cards.

"What—" Cheol hyung didn't let Jihoon finished his words when he lended us our room's card. "Two of us are roommate while the one of us will have no roommate." He explained.

"So, pick your roommate now so we can go." We all nodded our head before the guys picks their roommate from each one of us.

"Mingyu, do you have roommate already?" I shifted my gaze to Jisoo hyung and shake my head left and right. "Good. You're my roommate now."

As the guys finished picking their roommate, someone complain.

"Why no one wants to be with me?" It's Chan while frowning. "You can have the mannequin." Seungkwan said while laughing. Chan immediately glared at him that made the older laugh harder.


"Enough with that. Let's go."

All of us starts walking towards of the elevator door and waited for it to open.

"Be thankful enough you have Hansol hyung with you." I heard Chan murmured to himself besides me. The corner of my lips curve as I'm preventing myself to laugh. After a long wait, the elevator door opened  before we entered inside, squeezing ourselves to fit in.

As the door was about to close, I saw someone on the other side of the door. "Wonwoo?" I said as I recognized the face of that person. But, before he could see me, the door already closed.

Am I dreaming?

"Who's Wonwoo?" I went back to reality and faced Hansol behind me. So he heard me?

"N-Nothing." I said and shifted my eyes back to the door where my reflections are reflecting.

Nah, I'm just dreaming. Maybe I just mistooked him as Wonwoo. Right. besides, he doesn't exist in real world. Only in my dreams.

He can't be real. I know he's not real.


The elevator stopped and the door starts to open. We got out of it and continue to walk to the room's we're assigned.

"Room 224, right?" I immediately nodded my head before Jisoo hyung swiped the card on something making the door in our rooms opened.

I stared at the room besides ours as I read the rooms number. "Room 223.." That's the room in my dreams where I saw Wonwoo. What a coincidence! This is the room where my boss's boyfriend are staying too!

"Mingyu? Aren't you coming in?" I went back to reality once again before looking at Jisoo hyung and walking inside. "Sorry."


"Hyung, imma just going somewhere." Jisoo hyung then nodded his head before I exited our room. I fixed my black shirt before knocking on the door before ours.

Few knocks were being heard before someone opens the door and revealed the person inside. "Hey? May I help you?" I froze from my spot. No, this can't be real..

"Sir?" I took a step back while my hands are shaking. "T-This is for you, Mr..."

"Jeon." He said, "Mr. Jeon. My boss is your girlfriend and she asked me for a favor to give this to you." I said slowly handing him the small brown box.

"O, really?" He then smiled like he usually do in my dreams. I-I can't believe what's happening right now..

He takes the package before looking back to me. "Thank you, Mr.." I cleared my throat and told him my initial name. "It's Kim." He nodded.

"Right. Mr. Kim, thank you." Why can't he remember me while I can remember him? Right, it just happened that he appeard right? Right.

I flashed a small smile before nodding my head. "I-I need to go." I said before walking towards my room and enter inside.

Author's Note:

Errors ahead guys!

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