VERY Important PLEASE Read

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Hello my friends... :)

I have been thinking a lot about this and I have finally come to a decision...

I've decided to discontinue my writing on this story. I'm really sad cause I had so many ideas for this story and I was sooo excited to write them!!

I know I left this story off in the middle of the story, but the Ideas I had for the rest of it was that Jeaden and Wyatt continue their relationship, Jack and Finn eventually get together bc we love Fack.

Jaeden and his dad would re-connect and try and have a normal relationship with each other. Ben and Jeadens mom would get married and have would have a kid together.

Those were just my main ideas I had, if I were to continue this. Again it makes me really sad to end this story, but I think it's what's best.

Thank you to everyone who's been here since the beginning and those who have not, I really appreciate all of you for the feed back and just reading this story.

I will be writing new stories and will be continuing my Luke Hemmings story if any of you would like to read that:)

Love you all sm 💕💕

Rebel 》 JyattWhere stories live. Discover now