Chapter Thirty One

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After the movie was over, Ben and my mom decided to get some dinner, since it was 7. We left the restaurant around 8, so that means I have less than an hour till Finnn comes to get me.

The drive back from the movie was fine. Ben and I didnt talk much, mostly sat in awkward silence since the music volume was on very low.

"Jaeden, can we talk." Ben questions, knocking on my door. I roll my eyes, pausing my Netflix show and getting up to open the door.


"Can we finish our talk."

"Can't we do this later. I'm not in the mood."


"No! I'm tired of getting yelled at all the time. Please just leave me alone." I tell him, pushing the door closed.

"Close this door all the way and I'll tell your mother what happened." I sigh and open the door again.

"Do not take long." I tell him, "I'm really not in the mood."

"Yeah, I can see that." He says, walking in and closing the door.

"So, start talking."

"Well," he rubs his hands together, trying to figure out where to start, "I just wanted to say that you both need to be careful-"

"I know."

"And, I made an appointment for you to go see a doctor to see if you have-"

"Are you joking." I start, "you really think that Wyatt has STD'S? And gave me one?"

"I just want to make sure- that you dont. It's better to be safe than sorry, Jaeden."

"Did my mom say something to you? She has never liked Wyatt, I wouldn't be surprised if she let you think thay he does have some type of disease." I yell.

He stays silent for a second, "yes, she did say something to me, I just want to be sure Jaeden!"

"K, look, you are not my dad. Stop pretending you're my dad, just because you're screwing my mom, does not make you my dad." I shout. "Now can I please be alone." He doesn't say anything, he just leaves.


I get a text from Finn, telling me he's on his way. I'm really anxious since I have never snuck out before. I pace my room back and forth. I told my mom I didn't feel good after the movie and that I was going to bed. Hopefully she'll believe it.

Finny Boy: I'm here.

I slide open my window and crawl out of it, sliding it back down. I walk slowly over to his car, afraid I'll make a noise.

"So," I pull the car door closed, "what do you need help with?" I raise an eyebrow.

He stays silent, not wanting to say anything.

"I need your advice, see I really like this girl." He says 5 minutes later. We're almost to his house.


"And I don't know if- how I should ask her out. I'm nervous."

"How you known her long?" I ask, obviously not hinting that I know who he is talking about.

"Yeah, a while."

"Do I know her?" He's hesitant to answer.

"Uhm... y-yeah actually you do." We make it to his house, he parks his car on the drive way and locks it.

"Well, how much do you like her?"

"A lot Jaeden." He tells me, going to sit on the couch in the living room. I follow him.

"Well, I don't know why you're coming to me for advice," I sigh

"Because you're in a relationship... I would ask Jack, but he'd flip his shit." He's not wrong.

"Well, maybe if I knew this mystery girls name, I could be more helpful."

"Oh, right. You need to know her name." He is getting nervous. "I-it's uhm.. its uhm-" I cut him off.

"Sophia." I answer. His eyes go wide, his jaw drops.

"How did you- how did you know?"

"It was kind of obvious at times, the play fighting, the yelling, you and her alway with each other- when you arent with Jack." I pause, "oh and the kissing." I finish. His head goes down into his palms.

"You saw that?"

"Yeah, I saw a lot of it. How long has this been going on for?"

"I dunno, just a few weeks. It feel like it was all so sudden." He tells me. "I just dont know if I should ask her out because then it'd be awkward for all of us."

"I mean you're in a relationship, Sophia and I would be in a relationship. Then theres Jack. Lonley, single, little Jack." He finishes.

"Well, If I where you, I would go for it. See if it would work, and if not then, I mean Sophia's understanding. I don't think it would make your guys' friendship awkward, or all of ours.. maybe at first but after time, we would be back to normal." I try and comfort him.

"Thanks Jae. I think I'll try and think if a way to ask, and see how it goes." I nod and pray he doesn't mess it up.

"Well since you drug me all the way over here, what do you wanna do now?" I ask.

"Mario Kart?" I nod, grabbing a switch controller.

"Get ready to get your little Bowser ass kicked." He tells me.

"Ha loser, I won." Finn mocks

"Another game." I suggest.

"We have played five, you want to play again."

"Yes, now shut up and let's do this." I laugh, forgetting that I'm grounded, my mom and Ben are mad at me. I feel much better being at someone else's house than my own.

"See, and I won." I giggle.

"You won, one game out of six." He says

"Better than none. I guess I'm a little rusty." I shrug, I'm usually pretty good at Mario Kart. I mean, it is my favorite game.

"Its almost 11, should I take you back?" I nod, but I dont want to leave.

Sighing, I crawl back though my window, seeing Wyatt in my room.

"Where the hell have you been? I've been calling you, texting!" He yells.

I pull my phone out and see all the missed calls and texts.

"Shit, I'm sorry baby-"

"No. Don't 'baby' me. I was worried Jaeden. Where were you?"

"I-I was with Finn he needed help with something."

"For what? 2 hours?"

"You've been here for that long?" I question.

"I wanted to see you, see how you where doing after last night."

"Oh, well I'm fine." I leave out the part of Ben finding out.

"Well, I should probably leave. I bet you're tired after being with Finn."

"No dont leave-"

"Get some sleep. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow." He says and crawls though the window.

I sigh, and get into bed. What a good way to end my night.

Hello:) I'm back from my little break. I know this chapter was kinda boring but ehhhh it's a filler.

BUT I started my Luke book and I'm superrrrr excited for it. I would literally appreciate it so much if you  guys would read it, I really would like it to be as popular as this book. But you know you do you:)

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