Chapter Twenty Five

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"Jaeden are you- oh my God."

We both freeze.

Wyatt's still hovering over me, we dont dare move.

"Jaeden!" She raises her voice, it makes me jump. "Get over here." She demands. I move from under Wyatt, and put my shirt back on. Not moving from my bed, Wyatt sits next to me, afraid to look at my mom.

"Jaeden! Get your ass over here. Now." I slowly get off my bed, walking over to her.


"What the hell is going on here?"

"Mom I can explain-"

"Yeah you better fucking explain. Why is Wyatt here? What where you two doing?- just what is going on." She stammers, Ben walks down, and walks down behind my mom, putting his hands on her waist. She pushes them off, I give him an apologetic look.

I dont say anything for a long time 10 minutes at least, I just go back and fourth from looking at my mom and Wyatt, and my hands. My mom is getting very impatient.

"Jaeden Wesley-"

"Babe calm down-" Ben whispers

"Don't tell me to calm down. He was on top of my son and I have the right to know what was going on. Now Jaeden, start talking. What's this little thing and how long has it been going on for."

I'm shaking so bad, I really don't want to talk. "I-I... uhm. M-me and Wyatt uh-"

"We're dating-" I look over at Wyatt, my eyes are wide.

"Excuse me, you're what?" My mom hisses.

"Did I stutter?" Wyatt sasses back, making my heart pound even more.

"Wyatt s-stop-" I really do not want this to become an even bigger problem.

"Jaeden.. do-do you have something to tell me?" My mom whispers.

I'm trying to stop myself from bawling my eyes out. I have to blink to keep the tears from spilling out of my eyes. This is probably the hardest situation- besides my attempt, I've gone though. I move back to sitting on my bed by Wyatt.

"Jaeden. Do you have something to tell me."

"Dont push him- let him talk when he wants too." I hear Ben whispers.

My mom and Ben finally walk into my room instead of in the door way.

"I-I uhm- mom-" I have tears streaming down my face, my voice is barely audible.

I feel Wyatt warps his arms around me. I feel safer with him right now.

"Just breathe, just breathe.. you can do this." He whispers, and kisses my neck.

My moms eyes go wide at Wyatt's action.

"M-mom.. I... I cant fucking do this." I groan, and run my hands through my hair.

"You can do this.. it'll be okay." Wyatt says again.

"Jaeden, it will be okay." Ben tries to assure me.

"Dont you think she knows already? Dont you think it's fucking obvious? I mean she walked in on her son and another boy." I yell, with more tears falling down my face. Wyatt's grips loosens around my torso. His arms fall down to his lap.

"I want you to tell me." She whispers

"I-I'm gay, mom. I-i-im so sorry." I break down and fall to the ground, I bring me knees to my chest and hold them. I rock back and forth, Wyatt sits down by me and hugs me.

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