Chapter Fourty One

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It has been a week since I talked to Jaeden. I've stopped by his house multiple times, I texted Finn, Jack, Sophia. Even his mom, and I haven't gotten a reply.

I know what I did was wrong. I know leaving him at a party with basically a bunch of strangers was wrong, and a douche thing to do. Me going and getting drunk and high out of my mind was wrong too, me saying everything I said was wrong too. But that's not even the worst thing.

The worst thing was, was that I broke his fragile little heart. I didn't mean to say what I said, I honestly dont remember everything I said, but I know I messed up.

"Wyatt." I snap out of my thoughts, "bro are you fucking listening?" Nic says

"Sorry, what?"

"I said, are you going to see him again?"

"I want too, but he doesn't want to see me and I can't force him to see me if he doesn't want too."

Nic stays silent, he pulls his phone off the chrager and starts typing on it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm texting Jaeden. You two need to talk."

"Nic don't." I beg, "just leave him alone, okay?"

"I already sent it." He says. Groaning I get up from the couch and make my way to our 'special' cupboard.

I take half of an edible cookie and put the rest of it in a bag. "I need to take the edge off." I say, giving Nic a glare. "Plus, something happened that Jaeden doesn't know about, and I know that if I tell him he will never want to talk to me again." I think about what happned between me and Asher and it makes me want to throw up.

"What happned?"

"Jack's friend Asher kissed me the movie the the night."

"You didn't kiss back did you?" I shift uncomfortably in the chair I'm sitting in. "Oh my hell, Wyatt! You did not! That makes this situation so much worse." He groans.

"I know! I know, okay? I don't know what to do."

"You have to tell him."

"What? I can't do that."

"If you even want to fix this situation at all, you have to tell him the honest truth."

"Says the one who bribed me to go out with him." I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"I didn't think it would end up this far! Go drive to his house and talk to him."


"Get in the car, right now."

"Nic he doesn't want to talk to me!"

"You can't just leave the situation like this, Wyatt! Fix it now. You are depressed. You may not think you are, you may not show you are. But this last week you have not been acting yourself, so you have to talk to him. Today, come on. I will take you." He gets up from the couch and walks to me, taking my arm and dragging me upstairs. He grabs his keys from the counter, still holding onto my wrist and walk out to his car. He unlocks the passenger side and shoves me in. He walks to the drivers side and gets in, turning the car on.

"I'm not getting out." I tell Nic, crossing my arms. "He doesn't want to see me!"

"You dont know that. Maybe he has been trying to work up the nerve to talk to you! Maybe he was going to go to your house and talk. You dont know, but you will if you just go up to the fucking door, and refuse to leave until you two talk. I will drag you up there if I have too."

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