Chapter Twenty One

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"Oh my God."

Wyatt jumps off off me and onto the floor. This man is standing in my door way, Ben I'm assuming.

"Shit." I whisper.

"Was I interrupting something?" He has a thick British accent.


"Yes." Me and Wyatt say at the same time.

"No." I look at Wyatt with a stern look, "you weren't."

I get off from my bed and stand by Wyatt.

"Well.. Jaeden your mom wanted me to check on you, make sure you where doing okay.." He pauses, "and it seems like you are with..."

"Wyatt." Wyatt out his hand out to shake Ben's.

"Wyatt." Ben finishes, giving Wyatt and I a smirk. "So I am assuming your mother knows about this-"

"No." I stop him, "s-she has no clue... about any of this." I rush out. "Please dont tell her..." I fidget with my hands, he gets the point that I am nervous. "Shit" I whisper

"Your secret is safe with me." He gives me a wink. "Dont worry." I shyly smile back.

"Well, I will let you two get back to your thing.. Jaeden it was nice to meet you... and you Wyatt." He smirks back at us, walking back upstairs.

"He's cool. I like him." Wyatt says

"He killed the mood." I roll my eyes. "But yeah, I guess he was cool." I shrug

"Oh come on babe, he seems nice."

"Yeah sure." I roll my eyes.

"So.... he really killed the mood? Cause I could keep-"

"Yeah Wyatt he did. And I am tired..."

"Okay, okay fine. It's late so I'll let you sleep-"

"Will you stay?" I blurt out. "Y-you dont have too I just- I-I dont want to be alone."

"Of course I'll stay." He smiles at me. I start to strip down my clothes, so I am left in my boxers. Wyatt dose the same.

I stare in awe at is toned figure.

"Srop staring!" He groans and giggles at the same time. I just shrug my shoulders and crawl into bed after him.

He pulls me closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around me. I move positions so I am facing his chest, hearing his heart beating. It is very relaxing.

His hands move from my waist to my arms. I automatically get nervous. I dont like people touching my arms, or really anywhere with scars I have made myself.

His finger rips run over the thin and thick small lines on my arms. I tense up a little, feeling guilty about what I have done to myself.

"I hope you know that you dont need to so this." He says, in a sort of whisper, "no one does.. it hurts more people than you think."

I dont say anything, only because I dont know how to respond to that.

"I know you have hard a rough time this past month, and I cant really imagine what you are feeling now since your mom is dating, cause it seems like you really want to protect her from getting hurt."

"She doesn't deserve to be hurt. Not like me. I deserve it-"

"No. You do not. No one deserves to feel so much hurt or pain that they want to physically hurt themselves, or maybe even others. Jaeden, you are loved by so many people. You have Finn, Sophia, Jack, Chosen, Jeremy, your mom... and you have me. I love you so much Jaeden." He whispers, connecting our lips for a split second.

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