Chapter Sixteen

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"Jaeden, wake up." I feel my body being shaked.

"Mff, leave me alone." I groan

"C'mon it's your last full day if school." That make me perk up.

"Get up, Finn will be here in an hour."

I do my daily routine. Shower, brush my teeth, do my hair, get dressed and eat a little food and impatiently wait for Finn to pick me up.

I hear a knock on the front door, I open it revealing the tall, skinny boy.

"You ready?" I nod and follow hin to the car.

"Last full day of school, then it is freedom."

I laugh, "yeah, freedom" I air quote.

"What? Now it means you can sleep over at my house every night, maybe me and Jack can set you and Wyatt up on a date... you can sneak out to seem him."

"Sneak out?! No. I would never."

"Do it at my house, c'mon it'll be fine."

"Its still sneaking out."

"It's called having fun. Look it up." He pushes the driver's seat door closed.

"Whatever, I'll see you at lunch." I say goodbye to him and walk into class.

"Hey Jae" Wyatt greets me. I set my bag on the table and pull the chair out.

"Hey Wyatt." I dont really know how to react to him after yesterday, he seems to be acting fine, but you never know.

"How are you?" I ask, nervously.

"I'm good. Really good."

"That's.. good." He nods his head and turns so he is facing the from of the classroom.

"Class, if you will please bring me your final, I will grade them tonight and post them tomorrow." I pull the priceof paper out if my bag and walk to the front and give it to the teacher.

"Thank you Jaeden, you and Wyatt did a good job." I smile and nod, turning back to walk to my seat.

"Since today is the last day I will see you, we will just watch vidoes- about art of course... how do you guys like Bob Ross?" A couple of us laugh. "I'm taking that some of you do. Now just relax and watch."

She turns on Bob Rods vidoes, some kids pay attention some dont. I do both, but mainly sit on my phone, since Wyatt isnt doing much talking.

After first and second period I meet Chosen where we usually sit.

"Hey Jaeden" Chosen greets. He hasn't seen me since my incident, and we haven't talked much.

"Hey" I respond.

"How are you?" He seems hesitant to ask.

"I'm doing okay ." I shrug, not wanting anything to turn into a big deal.

"Chosen, my boy. How are ya?" Finn asks

"I'm good, I've missed you guys. Haven't seen you guys much."

"Wait. Idea coming." Finn pauses, me and Chosen look at each other.


"We should throw a party!"

I groan "Finn-"

"It can be a end of the year party!"

"Oh great. Finn is planning a party, guys." Jack says, setting his tray of food down.

"Its for the end of the year. We can do it at my place, everyone is coming. Everyone. Spread the word, losers."

We all groan in sync. I love Finn but he can be controlling sometimes.

"Heyo Jae" I groan when I hear the Australian accent.

"Hi Nic... where is Wyatt? He was here in first and I-"

"He went to Owen's." He cuts me off. I roll my eyes.


"Yeah so, he sent me here to make sure you're all good and to tell you to call him after school.. so call him." I nod my head.

"I'll see ya later, mate." He says and walks to Logan.

"That was weird" I say 

"Are you going to call him?" Sophia asks.

"Why would you call Wyatt, you hate him.." Chosen asks, very confused.

"Oh um, just cause we had a project together and... I uh-"

"He wants to know he wants to keep the stupid art project. Spit it out Jae." Finn says.

"Oh- okay... makes sense.. I guess." Chosen rolls his eyes

I stay quiet the rest of lunch. No one else really says anything either.

I am impatiently waiting for this day to be over.

Finally a new chapter, boring, I know.  But trust me the next few will be soo much better and more drama:))

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