Chapter Ten

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Waking up I feel very uncomfortable, this is definitely not my bed, not my bedroom. I open my eyes slowly, my vision being a little blurry, I look at the time, "7:08" its early. I realize I'm at the hospital.

"Mom?" I give her a confused look, she jerks up.

"Jaeden, sweety how are you feeling?" She gets up worried.

"Why am I here?" My eyes search the room, and land on my arms.

New, open wounds are covered in my arms, deeper than normal and an ivie. My eyes go wide, and panic.

"Dont panic, you're okay. Do you remember Jack and Wyatt coming to see you yesterday?"

The memory comes vividly, I was pretty out yesterday I guess. But I remember Wyatt asking me out.

"A little.." I tell her.

"Well you did lose quite a bit of blood, and you where dehydrated too. But you're okay now."

I just nod, knowing she will want to talk about it.

"Jaeden?" She voice softens, "can I-"

"I don't want to talk about it." I cut her off. "Not now. I'm tired and want to go back to sleep." I lay on my side, closing my eyes.

I hear here sigh, I feel bad I pushed her away but I'm not ready to talk about it.

"He's just been sleeping, he was up a few hours ago but he fell back asleep, and he needs it." My mom tells someone. I peak at the clock on the wall, its "10:30" got about 3 more hours of sleep, which was needed.

"Mom?" My voice cracks, "water please.." she looks back at me, getting me water. I look and see who she was talking too.


"Hey Jaeden, how are you feeling.."

"Better, I guess. I just want to go home." I say, my mom hands me a cup of water. "When can I go home?" I ask my mom

"Soon, they thought maybe today, if not tomorrow. They want to keep an eye on you."

"Like you wont?" I snap

"Jaeden.." Jack warns.

"What? I'm sorry but now she wont leave me alone ever. She wont trust me to be alone."

"That's not true Jaeden." She chimes in.

"I'm sure it is.."

"Jaeden, I'm not going to argue with you right now. I'm going to get us some food, Jack is staying here with you." She says, leaving.

"I'm sorry Jaeden.. I know this is hard for you-"

"You don't Jack. I dont think you've wanted to kill yourself before, and not have your mom not trust you."

"Jae shes just looking out for you-"

"Can we please not talk about this Jack" I'm getting annoyed

"Sorry... so have you talked to Wyatt?" He gives me a smirk.

"No, I dont have my phone. Or I would be talking to him right now, instead of you."

"Ouch. That hurt."

"I'm sorry, I just want to go home"

"Dont be sorry, Jaeden. I'm so sorry that this happened. No one deserves this feeling" he whispers

I stay silent, not knowing exactly what to say.

There's a knock on the door, jack gets up from the chair he was sitting in to open it.

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