Chapter Twelve

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I decided to get to and go to school, since we have a week left, I might as week get some credits final credits.

"Are you sure you want to go?" My mom asks me, nervously.

"Yes mom, I should be fine."

"Call me at lunch, if you want to come home, that's when I'll be back from work."

"I will. I'll see you later." I walk out to my front porch, I texted Finn to come get me.

He arrives not even 5 minutes after I sent the text.

"So what made you want to come to school today?" He questions, turning the radio down, "did you want to see Wyatt?" He makes kissing sounds.

"Shut up" I shove his arm, "and no, I came because I would like to get some final credits."

"Of course you would do that. Such a good boy" I can feel his eyes rolling.

"Whatver, at least I care about my grades and attendance, unlike you." I sass back.

We pull into a parking spot and get out.

"Hey that wasn't very nice... I care about my attendance-" he stops himself, and thinks. "Yeah you're right I dont care." He smirks, closing his door.

We part ways, and I head into art. I go to my assigned seat. I hear people whispering.

"I head he tried to kill himself after Sadie's party"

"He did it because he only has 3 friends"

"Too bad it failed."

I get caught up in all the whispers and stare that I domt realize that there's a hand on my knee.

"Jaeden?" It's Wyatt, of course. "Are you okay?"

I shake my head.

"What's wrong? Are people being asses?" I dont say anything. I just get up and walk out if class before it starts. Wyatt follows.


"Don't. Wyatt, don't. Please."

"No- you're not going to push me away. What happened in there?"

I pull my phone out and dial my moms number. 

"Jaeden please-"

"Mom.. will you come get me?"

A few seconds later I hang my phone up.

"Will you please tell me what happened, that upset you do much?"

"I would rather not."

"Did people say something about.."

"Yes, Wyatt! They did! Now can you please stop asking me questions?" I look at my phone to see the time. Class starts in 3 minutes. "You should get going.."

"Uh-uh. No. I'm waiting till your mom gets here with you."

"She's not coming."

"What? Why?"

"She had to go into work."

"Your own mother wont come get you, because she had to go to work?"

"We need the money Wyatt.."

"I'm taking you home." He grabs my wrist and leads me out the doors.


"Jaeden, don't try and argue."

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