Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Oh my God." Is what I hear every 2 minutes by Jaeden, this movie is absolutely amazing, but fucks with your mind. Something else that's fucking with me is what happened in the bathroom. I honestly don't think I'll ever get over that, not even after I tell Jaeden, if I even have the gets to tell him, but I can't let all this emotion stay inside. 

"That movie was fucking awesome!" Finn gushes, "right babe?" Sophia nods.

"It was good, a little creepy, but so good. Jack, Jae? You guys like it?" She asks

"I-I am traumatized." Jack stutters

"Oh you're fine." Asher says, wrapping his arms around Jack. We all look at Jack and Asher

"Get off me Ash, I'm a grown man."

"You're 15." He laughs, removing his arms from his waist.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go get something to eat, alright?" He asks

"Should we get pizza?" I suggest

"Yeah" everyone says in unison

"K we'll meet each other there." I say and walk out of the theater.

"Can we please not go to dinner?" Jaeden asks once we get in the car.

"Why not baby?" I ask him, turning the car on.

"I'm just not hungry, and I'd rather just go somewhere else, but not my house."

"We could go to my house" I ask, "I could text Finn and say that I don't feel good so we just home" he nods

I quickly text Finn and leave the mall parking lot.

We drive with no talking, just with music on in the background. My hands are shaking from anxiety, I feel like I'm going to puke.

I feel like I'm not focused on my driving and I have to be. "Jaeden."

"Yeah?" He looks up from his phone

"I need you to drive." I pull over to the side of the road.

"What?" His eyes go wide.

"I do not feel good and I know I cant make it home, I need you to drive, we are like 10 minutes away."

"I dont have my license, I-I can't drive without an adult." He stammers

"You have your permit, switch me spots now." I say sternly, unbuckling my seatbelt, getting out of the car.

He gets out of the car once I reach the passenger door, he stares at me for a second and says, "you look really pale."

Yeah it's because I kissed another boy that wasn't you. I think to myself.

"I just dont feel good, please get in the car." I feel so dizzy and my stomach hurts even more.

He gets in the car and buckles his seatbelt. "Adjust the mirrors." I say

"I know." He snaps back. He puts the car in drive, please don't let us crash.

Luckily we are in a neighborhood,so the worst thing he has to do is stop at the stop signs and make small turns, and he hasn't killed us so far.

"Drive faster please, my house is up the street." He pushes on the gas a little more and pulls into the driveway.

"That was the scariest moment ever." He says, quickly unbuckling his seatbelt getting out of the car.

"You did fine." I say, locking the car.

"I am never doing that again." He tells me.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, but I really just needed a break from driving. I dont feel good."  I unlock the front door, Jaeden steps in.

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