Chapter Seventeen

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"Wyatt?" I say thought the speaker phones.

"Jaeden?" His voice sounded groggy

"Why did you go home?"

"I went to Logans"

"Still, why did you leave?"

"He wanted to hangout. It was the last full day. School doesnt matter."

"But I wanted to see you." My fingers fidget with the end of my shirt


"Are you at home?"

"I am now yeah."

"Can I come over?"

"Sure." He is acting weird again. I dont know if I should be nervous or not.

"I'll be over in a minute."


I say bye and hang up the phone.

I leave my mom a note on the counter.

"I am going to Finn's to hangout for a bit, I'll text you when I am coming home."

"Wyatt?" I open the front door to the curly head kids house.


I find my way to the basement stairs.

"Hey babe, I've missed you"

"Hey.." I say giving him a hug, "I missed you too"

"What'd you wanna do?" He asks

"What's the smell?"

"Smell? I dont smell anything." He shrugs his shoulders.

"It smells like..." I pause and think.

"Oh!" He perks up "I know what you're smelling. It's weed." He leads me to a cupoabard and opens it.

It's filled will pipes and bowls and everything else you could imagine for smoking it. I'm not educated on whatever you may use, but it seems obvious for the blows and pipes.

"Do you- do you smoke it?"

"And eat it."


"What? Do you not like that?"

"Not really, no."

"Oh, well I'm sorry. Im not going to stop just cause you want me to"

"I'm not saying you have too, I'm just saying-"

"I know what you're saying Jaeden. I'm not going to talk about this anymore." He grabs a bowl from the cupboard and a small bag of weed.

"Wyatt..." I groan.

"Jaeden. I'm not going to listen to you complain about this. You knew I already did this before we started dating- hell before we even knew each other. Dont act surprised." He sits on the couch opening the bag, and doing whatever else you do to smoke it.

"I'm gunna go get me some water.. is that okay?" I ask, not wanting to impolite.

"Yes Jaeden, it's okay." I give him a tiny smile and make my way back upstairs.

As I look though the cupboard my phone buzzes in my pocket.

Finn is calling.


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