Chapter Fourty Three

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Wyatt an I have been sitting in my basement for over an hour playing Call of Duty while high, it's been very entertaining if I do say so myself.

"What!" Wyatt yells, "you-you can't do that!" He giggles, "you can't kill me twice if you killed me once. You can't shoot my body twice if-if you already killed me Jaeden. That's just how it works." I am definitely not as high as him, and let me tell you, he has been making no sense at all.

"Wyatt, I shot you twice to kill you, I didn't kill you once and shoot you two more times after." I try to explain. "Once you're dead, the game resets and puts us both at different points in the game."

"Well that's stupid." He pouts, "that doesn't make it fun."

"That's just comm-"

"Oh!" He shouts making me jump. "You know what is fun?" He puts his controller down, "this" he finishes, moving closer to me, his face right in front of mine.

"Are you going t-" I get cut off with his lips on mine.

He moves position's so he straddles himself on my waist, he puts his hands on my cheeks, pulling me closer to him.

"I've missed this so much." He whispers, moving his lips down to my jaw. While this is going on, he takes his shirt off, throwing it on the floor somewhere.

He then bites down on the crook of my neck, making me wince. He ignores it, and continues to leave little bruises on my neck.

He continues to take control and froces me to move from the couch, to his lap. He staddles me on his waist. I drape my arms around the back of his neck, as he bring his lips back to my neck.

He moves his hands from my waist, to the button on my jeans, unbuttoning it and unzipping them as well. I lift myself up to make it easier for Wyatt to pull my jeans down. I kick them off once they get to my ankles.

"Wy," I breathe out, "can we go to my room?" I ask.

He doesn't say anything, but picks me up and carries me to my room, and lays me down on the bed.

"Do you have a condom?" He giggles. I think for a second.

"Shit." I say, "uhm we kinda used the last one, last time.. this happened." I whsiper, he groans and moves from being on top of me.

"Well I dont have one either." He sighs. "And I can't drive to the store to get some because I'm kinda like... high." He whispers, and looks around the room like someone else is in here to get him in trouble.

"Well.." I say

"Well?" He asks, dragging out the L. "Well what?"

"Uh, I mean.. my mom might have some in her bathroom because of her and Ben.. you know? But if that's weird to get my mom boyfriends condoms we don-"

"Lets go." I raise an eyebrow. "Lets go find thoes damn condoms baby boy." He says, getting up and off my bed.

I groan and follow him behind.

Running all the way upstairs, and to my moms room, we open the bedroon door and walk into the bathroom.

"Alright, what drawer do you think they are in?" Wyatt asks.

I shrug, "I dunno, just look though the all the drawers." I say, opening one, searching though it.

"I cant find any!" Wyatt groans, opening a cupboard to look through it. "Oh my God." Wyatt laughs, I turn to look at him.

"What?" I ask

"I just found your moms sex-toy stash." He laughs, "fuck me." He sighs

"Thanks for telling me that." I groan, "I didn't need or want to know- aha! Found some." I say, holding up a box of condoms.

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