Chapter Fourty Eight

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Unedited- sorry I'll fix mistakes later.


Wyatt and I cuddled up into some blankets that where laying on the ground. There was a big blow up screen for us to watch a movie on, we had a hard time picking the movie cause neither of us could agree on one.

After arguing to pick one, we both decided on Caption America Civil War. We've been watching the movie for about 40 minutes, we drank our coffee already, which probably wasn't the best idea since we drank it so fast and it's late at night.

"I'm totally on team Iron man" Wyatt says suddenly, making me jump a little.

"What!" I whisper yell, not wanting to shout over the movie. "Iron man is acting crazy, he basically is saying 'okay let just split up the Avengers'" I say, watching the movie intensely.

Wyatt shakes his head, "well Cap is acting ridiculous, he just wants to protect Bucky. If anything he is splitting up the Avengers. He's friends with a murderer." Wyatt says quietly.

"But Buckys cute." I say. Wyatt looks down at me and fake pouts. "Dont worry," I whisper, propping myself up a little, "you're cute too." I lean in to kiss him.

He smiles into the kiss, pulling my hips closer to him, if that's even possible, and focuses his attention on me instead of the movie. I break the kiss for a second and say, "but Buckys on team Cap, so he's automatically more attractive." I whisper and turn away from him, bringing my focus back to the movie. Wyatt sighs and also focuses on the movie.

Time has gone by very fast and the movie is over. Wyatt let's out a loud sigh.

"What's on your mind?" I ask, turing to lay on my stomach and looking up at Wyatt.

"Nothing. I just can't believe you're team Cap." He says shaking his head. I let out a little laugh.

"I'm sorry baby, but I know theres something else on your mind. I can tell." I say, rolling back onto my back. Wyatt props himself up against the pillows that are being supported by some rocks.

He pulls me into his arms and starts to play with my hair. I close my eyes and let out a sigh, feeling very calm and relaxed.

"Nothings on my mind. I just like being here, with you." He says, "I know I'm not the best at being all romantic and all of that stuff, but with you, I've changed in that area." He says, still playing with my hair. "I know I messed up a few times, and I regret that I ever hurt you, but, I dont know. I'm not good with words. I just want you to know I care about you a lot and I don't want to lose you for whatever reason." He says quietly.

"I know you dont." I whisper. I go quite for a little while. My mind being clouded with old memories and experiences that have happened in the past 2 months, and in the last week.

"Jaeden? are you okay?" I jump a little

"Yeah, sorry. Just got distracted. What do you want to do now?" I check the time. "We still have a little over an hour till I need to be home and we don't have time to watch another movie."

"We could go get some food. There's a diner open, not far from out of the canyon."

"Im not-"

"Jaeden please." He stands, and looks dowk at me. He gives me pleading eyes, knowing what I was going to say. I dont want to upset him so I nod.

"Okay sure, we can go get something." I say just above a whisper. "Dont we need to clean this up?" I ask, pointing to the screen and blankets?

"Nic and the guys are not far from here, probably getting fucked up.. but they said they'd clean it up after we left." Wyatt shrugs.

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