Chapter Fourteen

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After Wyatt had left, I fell right to sleep.

"Jaeden?" My mom peaks her head through my door, "Sophia wants to know if you'll be going to school, she says she misses you." She gives me a light smile. I smile back.

"Ill get ready and have Finn pick me up." She smiles and nods.

"I am going into work early so I can get off sooner, so if you need me, text me and I will be there for sure" I nod and tell her goodbye.

I get out of bed and hop in the shower really fast. I change into light denim jeans and a checkered flannel, and converse.

"I missed you, Finnie boy." I tell Finn as I hop in the passenger seat.

"I missed you too, Jaedey-Wadey." I giggle at the nickname.

"How have you been? I know I haven't seen you in like 2 days, but how are you?"

"I've been good, I have been laying low, been with Wyatt a little bit" I tell him, getting comfortable in my seat.

"That's good" he smiles

We where quite the rest of the 2 miles we had to drive, but it was a comfortable silence.

"Please have your final in by next Tuesday for your final grade, I will post grades on Wednesday" my art teacher says.

"I missed you at school" Wyatt says, putting his hand on my knee, I smile.

"I missed you, but not school." I giggle slightly. He smiles at me.

"Well, I could talk to you all day but we should finish out project since we are almost finished."

I nod, and get back to the project.

My two classes went by surprisingly fast, today was better. I'm sitting with Wyatt and Sophia waiting for Jack and Finn to come to the lunch table

"Man, I cannot wait to get out of this hell hole" Finn says, "less than a week, can we survive, guys?"

We all groan.

"C'mon we can do it" Jack says

"Wow he's being encouraging for once in his life," Finn laugh, Jack glares.

"At least it's a half day today, and we can go after 4th period." I pipe in.

"Ohh we should wanna hangout after" Sophia suggests.

"Me and Wyatt have our final we still need to finish" I tell them

"Jaeden, who says that we can't all hangout, while we work on it." Wyatt says, "plus, I don't want your friends to think I'm stealing you from them. We all should hangout after school."

"Awe Wyatt, you're so sweet!" Sophia squeals. Wyatt blushes.

"I'm totally down for that." Jack responds, Finn nods.

"We can at my place, my mom doesn't need to get off early anymore, so how about.. 3?" I question, getting nods and a few "yeahs"

"Perfect, I'll see you guys later then, Finn, you still can give me a ride?"

"Of course, Jaeden" I nod and wave goodbye.

"See you all later"

4th period was a drag, of course. Nothing exciting. Kids complaining about wanting to go home, but I dont blame them.

"So Jaeden."

"So Finn."

"I know that not everyone knows you're..."


"Yes, gay" He coughs, "but like how did you know that you were?"

"Well, back in like 3rd grade, Kasey Tuttle wanted me be her boyfriend, so being the stupid kid I was, I said okay. She kissed me, and I didn't like have a big reaction to it. Sadly a week later, she went her separate way and broke up with me." Finn wiped a fake tear. "I haven't dated anyone since, but I just wasn't attracted to the female body or the thought of having sex with a female... I fantasized more about guys. I just thought more and more about it and yeah, here I am." I smile slightly.

"Well, I'm happy for you and Wyatt, I know that we all had our suspicions about him early on, but he seems like he genuinely cared for you. But if he breaks your heart, I will break that little pretty boys face."

"Why are you going to break someone's face?" We both jump, hearing Jack walk into my kitchen, with Sophia.

"No reason" I say.

"You guys are so weird."

"So what's the plan for the day guys?" Sophia asks

"Well me and Wyatt need to really finish our project, we are almost done... so we might work on that."

"Awe homework? C'mon Jae, lighten up have some fun" Finn give me a nudge.

"Dont worry, we will do it, while you guys hang out."

They all go to the kitchen, and I go down to my room, hoping to make myself look presentable.

I throw on a Thrasher hoodie to replace my checkered flannel.

I grab my phone out if my pocket and call Wyatt.

"Hello?" I hear an Australian accent on the other line.


"Nope. It is the one and only, Nicholas Hamilton." I sigh.

"Hello Nic, do you know where Wyatt is?" I ask, tapping my foot nervously.

"Wyatt!" He yells.

I hear mumbling in the background.

"Your lover boy is on the phone!" I sit there awkwardly, waiting for Wyatt to pick up the phone.

"Hello my babe."

"Hi Wyatt."

"What'd you need?"

"Well, I thought you where going to come over today- I was thinking we could finish our final."

"Aren't your friends over too?"

"Yes, they are... but I thought you wanted to come too." I say, the excitement leaving my voice.

"I do, I just- will leave Nic's as soon as possible."

"Okay, just come in when you get here."

"I will, bye Jaeden"

"Bye.." I hang up the phone. Something seemed a little off about him. I stand there for a moment thinking.

He was acting weird..

My head begins to race. All the scenarios are running through my head, I get a little dizzing and fall into my bed.

You guys, I am extremely sorry for the long wait. I really am, but I just have had so much going on.

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