Chapter Twenty Six

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Ben and my mom are still in my room, Wyatt and I have no clue what they are talking about since Ben decided to shut the door once my mom started yelling. I guess we could hear bits and pieces, but not enough to understand what she was yelling about. It is really worrying me.



"I asked you a question."

"Sorry, what was it?" I must have been so zoned out, I had no idea Wyatt was taking.

"I said, do you want to go upstairs, maybe get away from all of this arguing  going on between your mom and Ben."

"Sure, yeah. let's go." I walk quickly up the stairs going straight to the fridge. I pull the large bottle of vodka out from the back of the fridge and take a big gulp of it.

"Woah, woah. What the hell are you doing?" Wyatt rushes over and tries to take the bottle from me.

"Wyatt stop."

"Jaeden, give me the bottle."

"No." I take another drink, it burns going down, I gag slightly.

"I'm not going to ask again. Give me the bottle."

"I dont get it.  You didn't care when I drank at parties. You gave me the drinks, why does it matter now?" My heart rate is rising, my head feels dizzy. Fucking lightweight.

"Because I know what you're doing. You're trying to drown out the pain, of what just happened down there and what you have been feeling for the past 15 years of your life, and I will not let you do it. Because I know what this does. Trust me I know, and I will not let you, let yourself think that doing this is going to help you." He yells, surprising me.

"You drink too." I say once he has calmed down a little.

"I can drink responsibly."

"Still, you drink. You're being a hypocrite, if you're telling me I cant, when you do."

"Jaeden, this is the last time I am asking. Give me the fucking bottle." He holds his hand out. I take my third drink, the bottle is halfway gone.


He tries to grab it from my hands before I take another drink. The bottle slips from my hands and shatters on the floor.

"Fuck!" He yells.

"Dont yell, my mom could hear you-"

"What-what happened here?"

Shit. I look down at the shatters glass by my feet.

"Jaeden, why was the bottle of vodka out?" My mom asks. I dont reply. "Wyatt?"

"Ask him. He's the one who decided to take it out and-" I look up at Wyatt, glaring at him.

"Did he drink any?" My mom cuts him off.

"Half of it."

"Wyatt!" I yell

"Are you kidding me?" My mom whispers

"Jaeden, I'm trying to help you-"

"I don't need your help. I don't need you looking after me all the time. I can take care of myself" I yell.

"Jaeden, no you can't." Mom says

"She's right, you can't." Ben says.

"Oh you dont get to talk." I say, pointing to Ben. "I don't need any of you to help me. I need to be alone." I walk over the broken glass, and to the basement, Ben is standing in the way.

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