Chapter Two

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Note: This chapter will mention self harm and mental health. I am not trying to romanticize any of it. (I have experienced both, but I'm sorry if it offends any of you)


Unknown Number: Hey Pricness;)

Jaeden: What'd you want Wyatt. How'd you get my number?

Unknown Number: How'd you know it was me, Princess?;) and I've got my ways.

Jaeden: Cause the pet name. What'd you want.

Unknown Number:Remember, we need to work on our project. Are you free Friday?

Jaeden: Sure whatever.

Unknown Number: Perfect, see you then Princess;)

I groan, throwing my phone on my bed.

"Who was that?" Jack asks

"Wyatt." I tell him

"Wyatt? Why the hell is he texting you?" Jack asks

"He's my partner for the art project, he wants to come over on Friday to work on it" I am not in any way excited to have to work with this human.

"I'd say skip it, but I know you, you have to get an A" jack says. I roll my eyes at him.

"Well anyways, I'd love to stay and hang, but I've got to get home." Sophia says, "I'll text you guys later okay?" She says giving me a hug.

"Sounds good, bye Sophia" Finn says

Jack and Finn stay over for another 2 hours. We just hung out, played Call of Duty and just talked. It was really nice, but they both had to get home for dinner.

"Jae?" My mom calls

"Yeah mom?" I yell back

"You hungry? There's food down here if you want any, if not I'll put it away"

I honestly have no appetite, I'm too stressed about art class.

"I'm alright, I'm going to bed" I reply

I lay in my bed. Getting lost in my thoughts. I dont know if I should tell my friends I'm gay.. the feeling of telling them haunts me.

I always am in fear of kids at school finding out. Imagining the things the could do to me also haunts me.

I still lay there, getting lost in my thoughts, drifting off into my sleep.


My alarm goes off. Off to another day in hell, great. I get up, fix my hair, brush my teeth and go into my closet, deciding what to wear.

I settle on black jeans, a Joy Divisions shirt and a red and back flannel and converse. I get a text from Sophia telling me to meet her at school.

"Bye mom, I'll see you after school!" I yell running out the door.

The walk to school wasn't that far. I plugged my headphones in, and escape in the music. As I got closer to school I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Jaeden." I tuned and saw Wyatt.

"What'd you want Wyatt?"

"I just need to double check that we are still on for Friday" he asks, pulling me to the side of the school building.

"W-well yeah,I mean if you're still okay with that" I stutter, getting nervous

"Of course I am Princess." He winks at me and taps my ass and walks away.

I turn and see a shocked Sophia. I walk up to her.

"What was-"

"Dont ask." I cut her off. "Did you meet up with Jack and Finn?" I ask as we walk into school.

"No." She replies, checking her phone. "Jack said to just all meet at lunch with Chosen and Jeremy too."

Chosen and Jeremy are also friends of mine, and the rest of the group. We all eat lunch together regularly.

I nod in response. "I-Ill see you then" I say waving bye as I walk into class.

I grown, sitting in my assigned seat by wyatt.

"You excited for Friday?" Wyatt asks, turning to me.

No. I'm terrified. I think.

"I mean I-I guess." I'd rather not be mean to him.

"Your place or mine?"

"I-I dont care. Whatever works for you."

"Well my parents are going out on Friday night... So mine?" He puts his hand on my thigh. Shivers go through my whole body.

"Sounds good." I say, starting a new drawing.

"Perfect. How about 8?"

"Okay, but I'll need your address."

"I will text it to you tonight"

"Thanks" I reply.

Art really helps me relieve my anxiety and takes my mind off of my depression, you know? Just the idea of drawing or writing down how you feel is better than talking about it, in my opinion. My friends know about my depression and anxiety. They help me though it all. Only Finn knows that I have self harmed in the past. I've gotten better, I'm just worried about falling into old habits again. Relapsing is not fun.

Art class goes by very fast. Being able to draw all of class makes it fun or not boring at all. Now math... isn't so fun.

Me and Sophia sit where we usually sit, in the back of the class room.

"Did you do yesterdays assignment?" She asks me

"Of course I did. Here." I had her my paper, cause I know she didnt do it. "Should have done it cause we have a test today."

"Well shit. I'm screwed." She groans as the teacher hands up our tests.

The test was easy. I'm pretty sure I aced it. Well hopefully.

3rd period class is just basically a studyhall. I just sit there and read. After 3rd its lunch

Me and Finn are the first ones at the table.

"So Jae, Wyatt say anything to you today?" He asks, putting his food down on the table. I fiddle with my hands.

"Yes. Im going to his house on Friday at 8. His parents will be gone, so it will be just us. Please help me."

"Help you with what?" Chosen asks, sitting down by me. The rest of the gang, finally get there too.

"Save me from Wyatt" I whisper, seeing him walk by our table. He winks as he walks with Owen.

"I have to go to his house Friday for an art project."

"You'll be alright Jaeden. Just text one of us and we will bail you out." Sopiha says

"Thank you Soph" I reply, impatiently waiting for the day to be over.

Kinda boring chapter. I'm sorry ugh. But it'll get better. Just wait guys. I hold you're liking it so far:)

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