Chapter Thirty

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"Jaeden... Jaeden" I feel someone pushing me.

"Huh?" I groan.

"I gotta go- I know it's early but I dont want to us getting caught." I hear a sleepy Wyatt say. I find my phone and check the time.


"You woke me up this early?" I groan.

"Well im sorry, I should have just left right when I woke up, and not have told you." He says

"It is too early for you to be sassing me." I sass.

"Ohhh okay, yet you can sass me." He says, getting up, putting his clothes on.

"Yes, actually." I laugh.

"Well I'm sorry I have to leave so early." He apologizes, getting back on my bed, hovering over me.

"Are you going to do something? Or just look at me, in a creepy way." I say, he laughs and leans down and kisses me.

"Thank you." I giggle.

"Your breath reeks of alcohol. By the way." He tells me, I roll my eyes.

"You reek of sweat." I sass

"Well sweeite, sex isn't supposed to be this thing where you dont get all hot and sweaty- If you have sex like that, then it's not good sex."

"Well... thanks for telling me that, but I really would like to get some sleep before my mom comes in and ruins it." I tell him.

"Ouch, okay, I'll leave." He says and gets up. "Oh and, dont make it obvious that you got fucked last night." I raise my eyebrows in confusion.


"I will text you okay?" He asks, getting ready to leave.

"Okayy", I'll miss you." I tell him.

"Goodmorning Jaeden." Ben greets, he's sitting at the bad in the kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee. "You're up early."

"Y-yeah, I couldnt sleep." I say, kind of limping into the kitchen, looking through the fridge.

"You okay?" You're walking funny."

"I'm fine." I blurt out. "Fine." I assure.

"Jaeden." He says sternly. "You weren't walking like that yesterday."

"Do you really care about how I walk?" I say, annoyed.

"Sorry, sorry, I just-"

"Ben, baby can you, oh morning Jaeden." My mom says, walking downstairs, in nothing but a towel.

"Can I what, love?" He asks, turning to face her 

"Nothing, I can do it. How did you sleep Jae?" She asks

"I slept okay." I shrug.

"That's good. Do you want to do something today? Maybe see a movie, go shopping?" What the hell. Why is she being so nice.

"Uhm, I thought I was grounded and couldn't leave the house."

"You cant, and you are. But you can leave with one of us, and I thought that we should try and relief some of the tension from the past couple of days."

"Uh, yeah sure. Both, sounds good."

"Perfect, I need fo run into work for a few hours so maybe we can leave around 1?" I nod, "perfect. Check for a movie and what time they are playing." She says, and walk back upstairs.

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