Chapter Fourty Seven

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"Are we almost their?" I whine

"Yes baby, be patient." He says, keeping his eyes on the road, and tightens his grip on the wheele.

"I feel like we have been driving for ever" I keep complaining.

"Jeaden, it has been 20 minutes." He says, getting annoyed.

"Sorry." I sass. He doesn't say anything, he just keeps his eyes on the road.

"We're here, are you happy?" He asks, turning off the car. I look up from my phone and see we are at a laser tag place.

"We are going laser tagging?!" I ask, getting excited.

He nods, "are you excited?" He asks confused.

"I am so excited! I'm a pro at laser tag." I tell him

"We'll see about that baby." He says, leaning over the middle consol to kiss me.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out of the car, following after Wyatt.

"Wait, wont this cost money?" I ask Wyatt, as we walk into the building.


"No? How?"

"I know some people." He says

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Sadie." He says


"Wyatt! Jaeden! Hey guys." I turn and see the red-headed girl behind a counter.

"Uh, hey Sadie."

"Long time no see, Jaeden." She says, laughing.

"Yeah, long time." I've met this girl like once, at her party.

"You guys ready? We have a room set up, just for you two." She winks at us.

"I'm readyy." Wyatt sings, "Jae, are you?"

"Yeah I'm ready."

"Alright, follow me." Sadie says

We follow Sadie to the secretive room for just Wyatt and I.

"Alright so," she says handing us our vests. "I have to tell you the whole protocol thing. So basically, you can shoot on the back, shoulders and chest. If you hit any of thoes, you have to wait 3 seconds, your gun will reset and you're good to go." She says, smiling.

"Cool." Wyatt says, putting the vest on, "ready babe?" He asks

"Hell yes." I say getting super excited.

"Alright you two you have 35 minutes for this game play." Sadie tells and walks out of the room, while Wyatt and I walk into the laser tag room.

"Get ready to lose, baby." He gives me a quick peck and runs to hide. I laugh, and find myself a place to hide as well.

We wait a few seconds, and hear a clock count down.

3, 2, 1, go.

I stay still for a second, trying to hear Wyatt move around. I dont hear any footsteps so I decide to quietly move to another part of the room. As I'm walking, I see a glowing light that's moving, I assume it's Wyatt so i get up and shoot.

"Really, babe?" I hear him yell from across the room, I just laugh and try to sneak closer to him.

"Keep yelling and I'll be able to find where you're hiding." I laugh.

"Shit." I hear him whisper, I try not to laugh or make a lot of sound, since I'm right behind him.

I sneak closer, watching him slowly turn around, trying to find me. I shoot at his back shoulder.

I run and hide while his vest is resetting, hopefully finding a good enough place where he can't find me.

I was wrong, right as I was about to turn the corner to duck down even lower he hits my vest and it resets.

"Ha! Gotchu." He yells, and runs to hide again.

After 10 minutes later, out game ends and we walk back out to the desk Sadie is at.

"Well, did you two have fun?" She asks, Wyatt and I both nod.

"I'm pretty sure I won." Wyatt says confidently.

"Well, let's see." Sadie says, pulling up our scores. "Damn," she starts, "sorry Wyatt, but.. you lost." She says trying to keep a straight face, but laughs and smiles a little.

"Goddamn it." Wyatt groans.

"Told you, I would win." I mock, earing another laugh from Sadie, making Wyatt pout.

"Well, as much as I would love to sit here and be mocked by both of you, Jaeden and I have a place to be." Wyatt says, grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"Thanks for all the help Sadie!" I shout, as wyatt pulls me away.

"No problem, you two have fun!" She shouts back.

"Sooo, where are we going now?" I ask, again, we have been driving for almost 30 minutes.

"It's supposed to be a surprise, and if I tell you, it won't be a surprise." He tells me, turning to go up a hill.

"Are we going up a canyon?" I ask.

"Maybe." He giggles.

"Wyatt, what are we doing?" I groan a little dragging out my words.

"Its a surprise, but I think you'll like it." He says getting more excited. "Just trust me, okay?" He asks, looking at me fir a second, putting his hand on my thigh.

I just shrug and rest my head against the window, I'm starting to get tired so I close my eyes, and hopefully can take a little nap.

"Jea.. Jeaden"

"Hm? What, what?" I jump a little.

"We're here." Wyatt says. I open my eyes and look and see we are parked up in a canyon and I see a big blow up screen, and a blanket layed out.

"Wyatt? What are we doing?" I ask.

"Well, I wanted this go be a cute first date basically, and I thought that watching a movie up the canyon would be fun, and kinda relaxing you know?" He says, his face getting a little red.

I smile, "well let's go." I say, unbuckling my seatbelt, and get out of the car.

Wyatt follows quickly after me. I go and sit down on the blanket. There are pillows all around, making it more comfortable for us to lay down. There also are cups full of coffee, for us to stay warm, I'm guessing.

"Wow, babe who set all this up?" I ask.

"Logan and Jack, Finn, Nic and Sophia."

"Wow I didn't know any of then I ew how to help other people besides themselves." I say.

"Well, are you ready for a fun night?"

I smile and nod my head.

HELL-FUCCKING-O DID YOU GUYS MISS ME? damn its been months since I updated. So, so, so long and I am SO sorry for the long wait.

But this will be like the first part of this chapter, I was gunna write the date in one chapter but I felt like I needed to update, so I'm writing the date in the next chapter.

I really hope you guys liked this and it was somewhat worth the wait. Thank you guys for still reading 🤧

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