Chapter Nine

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(Start music at ** if you please too, end the music where you want, kinda is ment to go through the rest of the chapter)


After I left Jaeden's house I was heartbroken, and I dont know why. I mean, I cant have feelings for him right? I was just messing around, being a teenage boy. Having fun. But what he said in the bathroom at school "you've hurt me enough" and at his house. Oh what happened at his house broke my heart, and trust me, my heart has never been broken. I dont get close to people, but I guess I am with him. He has changed me.

I have to go back, tell him how I really feel. I grab my phone, and a hoodie and walk out the door, and walk to his house. I go by his bedroom to see if he locked the window.

It's open.

I climb through, but dont see him anywhere. I wander, and see that, I'm assuming- a bathroom door is closed. I twist the knob.

Should I really do this? He'd be naked right... isnt that weird? I think. Screw it. I open it, and my heart breaks even more at the sight.

"Jaeden?" I whisper, "shit Jaeden no!" I panic. He barely looks alive.

"What'd I do, what'd I do." I get the thought to call one of his friends, Jack comes to mind first.


"Jack! I need you to get to Jaedens house right now- and call his mom."

"Wait who is this."

"Wyatt. Now please Jack- its urgent."

"I'm coming.." he hangs up.

I empty the tub, grab a towel, and pull him out. I wrap the towle around his waist so, if he wakes up, he's more comfortable.

I look at his lifeless body. His face is pale, very pale. He had to have been like this for about 30 minutes. I could have been there for him, if I wasn't such an ass this woulnd't have happened. I take his arm, looking at the cuts and scars, these ones are by far the deepest.

"Suicide.." I whisper, "he tried to kill himself." I had no idea that Jaeden is suicidal and has self harmed, tears are running down my face.

I go to his bedroom, finding a pair of boxers to put on him, once I find where he keeps them i run back to the bathroom.

"Wyatt?" I hear a voice- Jack of coruse.

"I'm i-in the bathroom"

"What is so urgent- oh my God, Jaeden no." He sobs, "do you know how long hes been like this?"

"By the time I got back, at least 30 minutes" I whisper.

"Got back?"

"I'll explain later. Now, call his mom, please."

Jack gets his phone out, dialing his moms number.

"Look I know you're busy right now- yes I know- listen to me, you need to get home right now.. because Jaeden tried to kill himself! I dont know- just hurry." He hangs up.

"Help me get him to his room" I whisper. We pick him up, and gently lay him down on his bed. There's not much more we can do till his mom gets here.

"This is my fault" I whisper, "I shouldn't have ever left. Should have told him how I really feel" I sob to Jack.

"And how do you feel Wyatt? You dont know how Jaeden actually felt about you, but he wouldnt admit it to himself." Jack whispers,"he wouldn't admit it to any of us."

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