Chapter Fourty Two

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Wyatt pulls away from the kiss smiling.

"So we're good?" He asks hesitantly.

"We're good, but we aren't great. I'm not going to forget this happned, but I can try and push it aside." I tell him, he has a sad, but understanding look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Jaeden." He whispers, "is there a way I can make this a little better?" He asks. "I'll do anything.." he whispers, hinting at something.

"I'm not in the mood for that right now, Wyatt.." I tell him.

"Baby can we-"

"Not right now. My mom and Finn are upstairs."

"We can be really quiet-"


"Okay, I'll stop asking.." he mumbles. "Should we go upstairs?" He asks, getting off my bed.

"Probably, we might home some explaining to do." I say, following Wyatt off my bed, we fo upstairs, seeing Finn on the couch and my mom and Ben sitting at the counter.

"So, how was the talking.." my mom asks, Finn perks his head up, looking back at us. He gives me a concerning look, I nod letting him know everything is fine. He smiles and nods back.

"It was good." I tell her


"We are good."

"So you two are-"

"Back together?" Ben asks.

Wyatt looks at me, I nod. "Yeah. We are."

"Oh my God" Finn squeaks. My mom jumps.

"Finn, calm down." She sighs, "I'm happy for you two, but if this happens again, it wont end up having this result. I'm letting both of you know that." She says, sternly, warning Wyatt and I.

"We understand mom. It's not going to happen again."

"It better not, and I could be a lot harsher on you Wyatt- or on this situation. I could tell you both that I wont allow this at all." She tells us, "but with how persistent you have been I'll let it slide, but that doesn't mean I'm not upset." She tells Wyatt.

"I know Angela, and I'm so sorry for everything that has happened this past week, I never meant anything I said- I wasn't thinking clear-"

"Cause you where drinking, Wyatt!" She yells

"Calm down Hun" Ben says.

"I'm not going to calm down, he is 16, he should not be drinking!" She says, "just know I'm not going to forget about this."

By this time, Finn has walked over to join- or more as listing in the conversation.

"I know, and you shouldn't. I fu- I messed up." He says, correcting himself, he earns a laugh from Finn.

"Shut up Wolfhard." My mom says.

"Sorry, sorry." He giggles.

"Well you boys, go do something tonight, Ben and I are going out for a little trip, so Jaeden you will be home alone tonight."

"You're letting me stay home alone?" I question, "why?"

"I'm trusting you that you wont do anything stupid."

"He wont, I'll be over to keep on eye on him." Finn tells her.

"Perfect." She says.

"Great." I whisper. "Well you two have fun..." I say, wanting this conversation to end.

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