Chapter Thirty Four

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"We can't let him leave today."

"Why not, he wants to go home. He doesn't want to be here."

"I understand that, Angela, but this is his second attempt. We cant just let patients in his condition go home when they want. He needs to be under doctors supervision for 24 hours after. He has to stay."

"But we will watch him."

"Angela, I'm sorry but no. He is staying here for another day. You're lucky I'm letting him leave after 2 nights, when it needs to be a 3 night stay. He has to stay so we can also maintain his weight, hopefully get him something to eat and keep it down." I roll my eyes at that.

"That's perfectly fine." I hear Ben say, "it's alright, love. He can survive another day here."

Once I hear the door shut I pretend to just have woken up.

"Mom?" My voice comes out groggy.

"Jaeden! You're awake, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. Just, when can I go home?" I plead.

"Doctor Mark said you have to stay another night so him and the other doctors can keep an eye on you."


"No arguing please. You can survive another day here. I can call your friends or Wyatt-"

"No." I say, "please dont call them. I dont want then to know about this." I tell her.

"But Jaeden-"

"No mom. Don't tell them. Especially Wyatt, not like you'd talk to him. But please don't tell anyone." I beg.

"Fine... okay I wont." She says.

"Thank you."

"Are you hungry? You have to eat something."

"I'm not really hungry-"

"Jaeden, you have to eat something."

"I'm not hungry right now, okay? Does someone have my phone?" I ask.

"It's at home." Ben tells me

"Can you or my mom get it? I want to assure everyone that I'm not dead.."

"Ill run back and pick up some lunch on the way back, just text me what you guys want babe." Ben says, kissing my mom.

"I will." She replies.

"Thank you Ben."

"No problem, I'll be back soon."

After he leaves my mom pipes up, "so Jaeden.. how long has this not eating thing been going on for?"

"I dont want to talk about thi-"

"We are talking. How long." I try and think to when I first started doing it.

I guess it's really been an on and off thing. Between not eating, almost binge eating, and throwing up, it's fine on for a few years, it just hasn't become an issue until now.

"I dont know, a few years I guess." She literally gasps.


"Yeah mom, years. At least 3. Maybe 4. I dont remember."

"You have to eat." Of course. "I'm having Ben pick us up some Kneaders, and you're having half of it." Just the thought of me eating half of a meal makes me sick.

"I texted him and he said he would be here soon." Great.

"Jaeden wake up." I am being push by someone. "Wake up."

"Hmph?" I groan, and open my eyes to see my mom standing by my bed with a plate full of food.

"Eat some." She grabs a small table with wheels on it and rolls it over to my bed, putting the plate of food on it.

I take a small bite out of the sandwich sitting in front of me. I dont want to force the food down my throat so I take small bite as I eat.

It tastes so good. I want more.

"Woah, careful you dont want to eat that fast or you'll upset your stomach." My mom says. I put down the sandwich and replace it with my phone, finding Wyatts message since he has left me a bunch.

Wyatt💕: I'm sorry I got mad at you.

Wyatt💕: I could come by if you want?

Wyatt💕: Jaeden?

Wyatt💕: Are you okay?

Wyatt💕: You're really freaking me out. Are you okay?

Wyatt💕: Jaeden I swear to god.

Wyatt💕: This isn't funny.

Wyatt💕: Answer me.

Wyatt💕: Jaeden.

Wyatt💕: Please.

Wyatt💕: I'm going to call the cops if you dont answer and report you as missing.

Wyatt💕: Damn, I really fucked up. Sorry. I can hear the annoyance and sarcasm in that text.

Jaeden: Hey.

I get an immediate response back.

Wyatt💕: Hey? I've been text you for over 24 hours and all I get is hey?


Jaednen: I'm sorry, my mom took my phone..

I can't believe I'm lying to him

Wyatt💕: Well mines gunna die, so bye.

Ouch. I frown and shut off my phone, I dont even bother to look at Jack or Finns texts.

"What's wrong?" My mom asks

"Nothing. I'm just tired." I say, turning the TV on, switching hing though the channels till I find the one I like.


Perfect. Sam and Dean can keep me company.

Jensen Ackles is so hot. I think, letting out a small groan, I try and cover it up with a cough.

"You alright?" Ben asks, I just nod, not taking my eyes off the screen.

Jared Padalecki. Oof. His hair. I wanna touch it.

"Jaeden, I am running home to shower really fast." Mom tells me.

"Okay." I say, not really caring. "I'm really tired so I'm going to take a nap in a little." I tell her.

"Get as much rest as you need. And please eat." She says, kissing my forehead.

"I'll see you later, love." Ben says.

It's a little weird being alone with Ben, since him and I have been through a lot I guess you could say. I bet he doesn't even want to be here, but he is.

Guess it's better than being alone. Wyatt definitely doesn't want to be with him since I upset him so bad.

Finn, Sophia and Jack are probably wondering where I am. I turn on my phone and let them know that I'm not dead on the side of the road.

I turn my phone off and fall into a deep sleep.

Little late on an update I feel like. Oops.

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