Chapter Eighteen

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"Yeah, mom about?" I ask, nervously.

"Where were you at?"

"I left you a note, I was at Finn's house."

"Then why did he text me asking me where you were at?"

Stupid Finn.

"I-I was at Finn's an-and then I went to Jack's-"

"You left Finn, to hangout with Jack." She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we left him a note too.."

"I dont believe you-"

"Ask Jack! Call him."

"I am not calling-" I pull my phone out.

"Jack! Will you tell my mom that we where with each other today, and how we left Finn, she doesnt believe me." I say into my phone, putting him on speaker.

"Angela, yes. We where with Finn, but he was getting on out nerves, so we left."

"And left a note." I state

"And yes, we left a.. note." He says, with confusion in his voice.

"Okay, bye Jack, thank you." I hang up the phone.

"See mom, I was with Jack after I left Finn's."

"I see that, but why did he text me and ask where you were?"

"I dunno, we left him a note, maybe he didnt see it. Can I go now?" I'm getting impatient.

She nods her head. I walk to my bedroom.

"That was a close one." I whisper to myself.

I do nothing for the rest of the night, I watch Netflix and think about what I just did.

I lied to my mom, I never lie to my mom I never lie to anyone. I don't know what's going on with me. I just need to think. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

"Jae, wake up, it's the last day of school and you're not going to be late." My mom informs me, I groan and get out of bed.

I brush my teeth, shower, fix my hair and get dressed. I slip on a thrasher t-shirt and black jeans, and Van's. For my final touch, I add a couple of bracelets on each arm.

"Ready?" She asks me, scanning my arms. I told them.

"I guess not-"

"I'm just saying, short sleeve?"

"Fine. I'll go fucking change." I roll my eyes. She stands there, shocked about the word that left my mouth. My heart races in fear, not knowing what will happen next. I turn and walk to my room.

I remove the bracelets and find a hoodie.

I walk back upstairs, grab my bag and walk out the door, without saying a word.

I dont ask Finn for a ride, I have enough time where I can just walk and pull myself back together.

I put on Artic Monkeys and drown myself in the music. Time goes by fast, plus it was a short walk. I walk past the crowds on kids in the hallway, and get to my class.

"I dont even know why I'm here." I whisper to myself, "theres seriously no point." I groan and pull my phone from out of my pocket.

"Arent you a little hot in that?" Sadie asks me. I look down at my hoodie.

"No, I'm use to these."

"C'mon Jaeden, you have to be dying. I know I'd be." I just groan

"Sadie, dont worry. I'm fine, really." She just nods and walks to her seat. Not long after Wyatt walks in.

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