Chapter Eight

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I was pretty tired last night, and literally slept all day. Today is the day I will be facing Wyatt since the party. I dont want to even be near him.

I'm sitting in my family room, waiting for Finn to pick me up.

"Jae, I will be gone when you get back, I am getting my hair done and am going out for a work dinner. You can have the boys and Sophia over, but no one else." My mom tells me, "love you and dont do anything stupid."

"Love you too, see you later." I tell her.

My phone vitbates in my pocket. I pull it out and see Finn is calling, I push the answer button.

"I'm here loser." The line goes dead.

What the hell.

I walk outside, putting my bag on my shoulders.


"Of course not. I have first with Wyatt and I dont even want to see him."

"Ignore him the best you can. Don't text him back, dont look at him. Just pretend his invisible."

"I'll try too"

"We all will help you avoid him. But I swear to God, if he comes up to you I will knock his sorry ass out."

"I get it Finn, you dont need to get all protective. I'll be fine. I'll see you at lunch." I tell him, as we arrive to school.

"Text us if you need anything" he yells, walking to class.

I step into the art class room, look around and dont see Wyatt. I sigh in relief and walk to my seat.

Since school is ending, and we have our final. That is what we are working on, and of course, it is at Wyatt's house, and so guess what I do.


I'm sitting there while eveyone is working and I'm sitting alone, slightly upset that he isn't here. I cant fail this class because of him.

"Jaeden?" The teacher walks obed to my desk, "where is Wyatt?"

"I dont know, I haven't seen him since Saturday"

"Well you cant just sit here all of class not doing work-"

"I'm here, I'm here." Wyatt rushes in, "I was getting food."

"Wyatt you cannot be late. Work on your final with Jaeden." The teacher demands and walks away.

"So Jaeden, you never responded to my text, you okay?"

"Why would I be okay when you played me." I tell him harshly.

"Played you? Baby I didnt play you." He responds.

"Yes you did. Dont lie to me Wyatt."


"Dont. Dont talk to me. Please."

I dont talk to him for the rest of class, I'm assuming he shrugs it off and forgets it happened. But he didn't. After class, I walked out before him, heading to the bathroom.

I thought I was alone till I felt someone grab my backpack, and pull me back.

"Wyatt leave me alone-"

"Let me explain Jaeden."

"You have nothing to explain. I saw what you did on Nic's story. It happened after I left. You hurt me. You used me... just for your on pleasure. Now please. Leave me alone. You've hurt me enough." I push past him.

I walk in late to second period, getting an unpleasant look from the teacher. Sophia looks concerned as I this my bag down.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Dont worry about it." I pull out my phone, putting music in.

I ignore eveyone the rest of my second and third period class, it's not like we have anything planned. It's a week before school is over, so the teachers are pretty lazy anyways.

Me and the rest of the group struggle sitting where we usually sit for lunch, Jack and Finn are arguing about something, Sophia, Chosen and Jeremy are talking about who knows what. Then there is me. I'm sitting, zoned out not playing attention to anyone. I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn to see who it is, Wyatt of crouse.

"What do you what Wyatt." Finn says, getting up, I push him back down.

"Dont Finn. Stay here."

"C-Can I talk to you for a minute?" He questions, with a pleading look.

I look at the rest of my friends, they look nervous. Finn shakes his head.

"I'd get otta here before you can't walk, Wyatt." Finn threatens.

Wyatt walks away, "fuck you." He mutters.

The rest of school wasnt a big deal, I told the gang I would call them later if I wanted to hang. I don't.

I'm sitting in my room, alone day dreaming. Wondering what my life would be like if I actually wanted to be in it. I know I would be happier, I would make the people around me happier, we would laugh all the time. I know that people always tell people with depression to just "change your attitude, it's not that hard." Or "you're being selfish and lazy." Yeah like thanks for the advice, really makes us feel better about ourselves. And sure, I could be more positive and not as negative, I mean I have 3 best friends who have been there for me, for almost 5 years now and I've loved them all.

But this thing with Wyatt is hitting me hard, and I know you're thinking "you hate this kid, why do you care." And you're right, why should I care, I mean yeah he isnt a good kid, but maybe he can change, he keeps wanting to apologize.. I'm guessing? Maybe we wont know-

I am interrupted by my thoughts when I hear a tap on my window, confused and slightly scared I open it, and surprise it is Wyatt.

"Jaeden- please let me talk to you. Let me explain!" He pleads.

"Why would I let you do that."

"Because you're a nice person." Not to everyone.

"Please Jaeden.." I open my window all the way and let him in I am going to regret this.

"Thank you" he breathes out, "Jaden I know you say Nic's story and I know how it looks-"

"Yeah it's pretty bad Wyatt. I trusted you, I thought you where different from what eveyone says a about you. I let myself be vulnerable with you, and this is how you say thank you?" I yell, hes taken back by the volume.

"Jaeden I'm sorry. I was drinking, you were too. But I lost control. I mean it didnt mean anything to you right?" I dont reapond.

"I thought it did." I whisper, barely audible.

"Fuck." He whispers. "Jaeden I'm so sorry- if I knew it would effect you like this, I wouldnt have done it." That's a punch in the balls.

"Please leave Wyatt, it clearly didnt mean anything to you, so can you please go?" Tears are welling up in my eyes.

He leaves without saying a word. 

*Trigger warning*

I'm back alone with my thoughts. I go to my bathroom and turn on my bathtub. I strip down, and get in. The water is warm, relaxing. I take my razor into my hand and slide it deep into my skin, watching blood pool from my arm. It stings, I let a sob out. I push it down, this timer harder. I feel light headed. I wince out in pain, I've never gone this deep before, tears are falling down my face, then everything goes black.

Wow. I am so sorry if you guys hated the end of this chapter if you read it, but it is part of the story.

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