Chapter Twenty

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"Jaeden where the hell have you been!"

"I-I was at a party, w-with Finn. You said I could go."

"Yes, I know I said that. I also said, text me when you will be home." She says thought gritted teeth.

"I know, I'm sorry. I lost track of time-"

"That is no excuse. You should have known better! I didn't know what had happened to you. I was very nice for letting you go out after what put you in the hospital, Jaeden!" She yells back. "This will not happen again. You are not leaving this house for a week- and do not expect anyone to come over."


"Finn should have been more responsible! He said he'd look after you!"

"Mom dont blame him! It's my fault. Okay blame me."

"I'm not happy with either of you."

"Mom I'm sorry!-"

"Be sorry all you want! You scared me to death! Now go to your room, it's late." She says walking out of the kitchen.

I sigh and walk down to my room, closing the door behind me. I strip off my clothes and crawl into bed. I open my laptop and turn on Friends. I'm not really in the mood to sleep, I'm too hyped on whatever that drink was.

I feel my phone buzzing, laying on my lap. It makes me jump.

It's Wyatt.

I answer.

"Hi baby..." His voice is calm, concerning.

"Hi Wyatt."

"How are you..?"

"I'm fine."

"Are you in trouble?"


"What happened?"

"She got mad at me, and at Finn cause he was supposed to be "watching" me, now I'm stuck at home all week."

"No leaving?"

"Not unless it's with my mom, I'm guessing. She didnt say."

"This is particularly my fault too.."

"It's not."

"But I kept you longer than expected."

"That's fine."

"I am still sorry though, I cant imagine how worried she is."

"Its really alright." I pause for a second, "Look Wyatt, I dont mean to be rude, I just kind of want to be alone right now.."

"Oh, okay. I'll text you in the morning. Goodnight Princess. Sleep good." He says softly.

"Goodnight." I whisper, and hang up the phone.

I sigh and turn off my phone. I dont know what's gotten into me. I'm not myself anymore. I dont feel like myself.
I sleep in till around 10:30, I have a few missed texts from Jack and Finn. I already know they want to hangout and go to another party, but.. that's not gunna happen. I groan and get out of bed. I make my way down stairs.

"Mom?" I call out walking to the kitchen. She not in there so I go check her room.

"Mom?" I peak her door open and see a sight no child ever wants to see. "Oh my God... oh-oh my god." I screech. I see my mom and a random man, I've never seen before- having sex.

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