Chapter Twenty Nine.

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"Punished?" I ask confused

"Oh Jaeden, I forgot that you still are innocent in some areas." Wyatt smirks, taking the large hoodie off of me. I automatically feel insecure about my arms and old scars on my stomach.

"Dont. Dont cover your arms."


"Did you do more?" He raises an eyebrow. I shake my head. "Let me see." I hold my arms out in front of him. Only a few are new, but you cant tell since the others still are red with dried blood.

"S-see, no new ones." I stutter, "can we please get back to what we where doing?" I beg. He looks down and sighs, and nods his head. He leans forward to kiss me, I pull away.

"Your breath smells disgusting." I cough at the strong smell.

"Oh sorry, I was with Nic, Logan, Jake, you know and we where smoking." He says confidentiality. I forgot that he did smoke. I'm also a little upset, he said he was going home, not going out to smget high with his friends. I mentally sigh.

"Oh." Is all I say. Slightly turning away from him.

"Are you mad?" He questions, I can tell he's slightly annoyed. I shrug. I'm more jealous than mad. I'm still- well kind of still a good kid. I dont smoke or anything, just drink. I want to smoke though, get high and feel numb.

"I-Im not mad."

"You seem mad." He says, still hovering over me.

"I'm not mad!" I groan, "I'm jealous." I whimper. He laughs.

"You're jealous?" He says laughing, "Jaeden why the fuck are you jealous."

"Stop laughing!" I cover my face with my hands.

"What? Do you want to smoke?" I dont say anything. "You do!" He says excitedly. "We can." I perk up slightly.

"What?" I say confused

"We can, right now. I mean I brought a bag with me." He motions to the black bag on the floor, next to my bed. I didnt even notice it. "I have a bowl in there, and a lighter... and some whiskey- only if you want some." He rushes out.

"Whiskey? But you could get caught with it if you get pulled over."

"I'm responsible with my alchohol Jaeden, I know what I'm doing with it's in my possession outside of mine or Nic's house." I just nod slowly, "so do you wanna do It?" My heart is racing.

"Yes, but what about what we where going to do?"

"How about this." He says, pulling the bag onto the bed. "We have a couple of drinks, get my bowl out, smoke, get high..." He suggest, pulling the whiskey bottle out of his bag, along with a bag of weed, the bowl and lighter. "And then continue what we where doing." He says.

"Okay." I whisper. "But what exactly where we going to do?" I question.

"Well, let me tell you this baby." He pauses "Sex and drugs go perfect together." He whispers, leaning forward, kissing underneath my ear. My whole body shivers at his words and actions. "And of course having a drink here and there." He shrugs.

He grabs a small bud of week and puts it at the small hole in the bowl, he pick the lighter up, and lights the weed, inhaling as he does so. He takes the bowl out of his mouth, blowing out the smoke. The scent is strong for me. I cough.

"Wanna try?" He asks, I nod my head slowly.

"Y-yeah." I say.

"Put this is your mouth." He demands, handing me the bowl, I do as im told and wrap my lips around the small opening for the smoke to come though.

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