Chapter Thirty Seven

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Now that Jaeden and I have cleared things up with the whole Asher comment, we are good. We also finally got everyone up and out of bed, and we are going to see the movie Us, it just came out recently and looks pretty good.

Jaeden and Jack weren't too happy about that since they both hate horror movie, even though this one does seem that scary- at least to me.

"And we all have to go to the same movie?" Jack groans

"Jack, it will be fine." Asher says.

"And we all have to go to the same movie Jack, that's was a group does. You can't hangout by yourself and be a group." Finn tells him, "plus, someone has to scare this shit out of you during the movie." Eveyone laughs but Jack.

"Yeay, I'm not sitting by you wt the movie." He responds.

"If you scare me I will cut off your dick." Jaeden whispers to me.

"Awe it's alright baby, I'll protect you." I assure him, warping my arms around his small waist. "I wont scare you to bad." I say, and get elbowed in the stomach. "Ouch." I wimper, "that wasn't very nice." I pout.

"I don't care." He laughs, "you deserve it for taking me to a scary movie." He pouts.

"Alright love birds you're making us uncomfortable." Finn says, "now let's go." He gets up from sitting on the floor and walks upstairs.

Jack Sophia, Finn and Ashed go in Finns car and Jaeden and I go in mine.

"So we meet at the theater?" Finn asks me

"Yeah, maybe we can get some lunch before or dinner after the movie." He nods and walks out the door.

"Mom?" Jaeden yells, "I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?" Ben asks, ws talking into the kitchen.

"We are going to see movie.. is that alright?" He asks nervously.

"Yes Jaeden, it's fine. I'll let your mum know."

"Thank you." He says.

"Wyatt." Ben says, I look up from my phone.


"Bring him back by 11, please." Ben tells me, giving me a wink.

"Of course." I say, "thank you for letting me steal him for the day." I smirk at Jaeden, taking his hand.

"Have fun you two." Ben says as we walk out to my car.

"Oh god." Jaeden says, coughing

"What?" I panic.

"Your car reeks of weed."

"Really? I havent noticed." I shrug.

"Well it does." He tells me, rolling down the window slightly not wanting a lot of the smell to come out from the car.

"I'm sorry baby, I'll get an air freshener tomorrow." I assure him.

"It's fine." He says. I raise an eyebrow, but shrug it off.

We don't really do any talking, mostly silence, I wonder if he's still mad about earlier, even though we talked about it.

"Finn says that they just got to the mall and want to get food after the movie." He tells me, I nod and find a parking spot.

"Tell him we are walking in." I say turning the car off, getting out of it.

"He said they're in the theater." Jaeden tells me.

We walk into the mall and find out way to the theater. We see the rest of the group holding drinks and their movie tickets.

"Finally, we can go into the movie." Finn says, taking Sophia's hand and rushes to the auditorium.

"Are you excited to see this?" I ask Jaeden.

"Oh yeah, I'm so excited." He says in a very sarcastic tone.

"Hey, you better be nice or I'll have to punish you." I whisper so no one can hear me.

"Yes, daddy." He responds rolling his eyes. My jaw drops at the comment, making my jeans slightly tighten.

"Alright let's do this." Finn says, sitting in his seat, Sophia next to him. He's sitting on my left and Jaeden is on my right. So, obviously Sophia is by Finn and Jack and Asher are by Jaeden.

The previews play, and half way though I have to pee. Better do it before the movie, duh.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I tell everyone.

"Oh I'll come with you." Asher says, I nod and we walk out of the auditorium.

"So do you like Jack?" I ask him, he stops in his tracks.

"Who-who said I was gay?" He asks

"Sweeite, it's obvious that you like boys."

"Well, I'm bi, soo."

"Still, I can tell, but Jack is straight."

"Yeah," he sighs "I know. But that's alright..."

Oh. K.

We find our way to the bathroom, finally, it seemed to have taken forever. I do what I need to do and go to wash my hands, Asher following along after.

"So do you-" I start to say, but get pushed up against the bathroom wall. "Uh what are you doing?" I ask Asher, instantly feeling his lips on mine. I move my lips in sync with his, not being able to think straight. Finally after what seems like forever, but was only about 4 seconds I push him off, snapping back into reality.

"What the fuck!" I yell, "you like Jack-"

"Yeah, but you said he's straight." He says, giving me a devilish smirk.

"Yeah, and I have a boyfriend." I say though gritted teeth.

"But you kissed back." He says, with that smirk still on his face.

"I-I.. fuck you." I roll my eyes, "we've been gone to long and the movies gunna start." I say walking out of the bathroom.

I can't believe I fucking kissed someone else. I wasn't going to let this happen again while I'm in a relationship. I changed. It took me time, but I'm changing.

My mind is racing with all types of thoughts, my heart is pounding. I feel extremely guilty.

Jaeden cannot find out about this.. at least not now.

I'm shaking as I walk back to my seat.

"You guys where gone for like ever." Jack whispers.

"There was a line." I lie.

"Well I'm glad your back so you can cuddle with me." Jeaden says, wrapping his arms around my waist. I jerk and the student movement.

"You okay?" He whispers

"Mhmm.. just uh, scared about the movie." I stutter.

"Awe cute." He says, "but it's starting, so let the fun begin." He whispers.


Hahaha y'all probably hate me, but trust me. It gets so much better. ;) (note sarcasm)

And yes, I know that Us is rated R and they arent 17 but it's a freaking book. So yall can chill.

So yeah gimme thoughts. Also next chapter might switched between Wyatt and Jae, but I'm still deciding.


okay goodnight.:)

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