Chapter Fourty

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Wyatt and I have been at Nic's 'small' get-together for over an hour and my anxiety is through the roof. People are all over the place, his house smells like weed and alcohol, but I'm use to the smell now.

"You doing alright, Jaeden?" I turn around and and Nic with a beer and blonde chick hanging her arm around his waist.

"Y-yeah. I just can't find Wyatt.."

"Oh shit, he left you?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Mhmm.. he said he was going to get a drink and never came back."


"It's fine. I'll probably just go home.."

"No dont leave Jaeden, just take a break. Go upstairs and relax. I can go with you, so you're not alone." He offers, the girl sighs.

"But you said we where-"

"I know what I said," he cuts her off, "and we can always do that later but, I'm gunna help Jaeden. Alright?" She glares at me.

"Whatever," she removes her arm from his waist, "better hurry, cause I'm leaving soon." She says and walks away.

"Sorry about that, she usually gets what she wants.."

"I can tell. But you really didnt have to do that. I'm fine, Nic."

"You're not fine. Wyatt is being an ass to you and you're his boyfriend." He runs his hands though his dirty blonde hair. "I should kick his ass."

"Please dont kick my boyfriends ass." I groan, "I honestly just want to go home. I thought this party was going to be a small one, Wyatt knows how bad my anxiety gets. He cant just bring me somewhere and then leave me."

"I know he cant. Let's go upstairs and I'll text him." Nic grabs my arm and drags me though the crowd of people in the basement.

He leads me to the living room, off from the kitchen, so people cant see us as we walk though the crowded kitchen. We both sit on the couch. I slump into it and bring my knees to my chest.

"I texted him, and he better reply fast or I will kick his ass."

"You really dont have to do this Nic, I mean it's your party, you should be with everyone, having fun." I tell him, looking around at all the teenagers.

"It's alright Jaeden, you saved me from fucking that girl." He laughs.

"She seems pretty into you though."

"Oh shes not into me, she's into little baby Nic." I stay silent, "I'm talking about my di-"

"I know what you're talikg about." I cut him off, "trust me I know."

"I just wanted to clarify" he laughs.

"I just want be with Wyatt." I say, wanting to change the subject.

"I know, let's go look for him." He gets up from the couch, "I think ill know where he'd be."

I follow Nic upstairs to a room right off the stairs, he opens it and sees Wyatt, laying on a bed.

"Jaeden?" He slurs, "w-where did you go?"

"Oh you cannot be serious-" Nic says

"He's fine." I tell him, "he's fine, dont get mat at him." I tell him.

"Jaeden he left you and he's drunk out of his mind." Nic says clearly getting upset.

"It's fine." I sigh, "I'll get him home, just give me a sec." He nod towards the door, he gets the hint and leave the room.

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