Chapter Twenty Four

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I texted Wyatt around 1:30 telling him that he could come over, of course he had to sneak in through my window, but that wasn't a problem. He didnt stay for long, he that he wanted me to hangout with Jack, Finn and Sophia. He said he feels like he is stealing them from me, which isn't true at all. He wants me to be around them as much as I can.

Jack texted me and said that Finn is going to bring everyone over soon, so I wait upstairs for them, assuming they all will want  to meet Ben.

As I am waiting for them, my mom pored herself and Ben a drink, "so Jaeden, you mum tells that you have friends coming over?"

"Yeah, they're like my best friends."

"That's good, that's good." he says taking a sip of his drink. "Any of them a special friend?" He asks with a smirk obviously hinting about Wyatt That's when my mom chimes in.

"I bet it would be Sophia you guys basically grew up with each other." She smiles at me.

"No it's not Sophia-" I get cut off by three teenagers walking in.

"Hi mom, we're home." Jack says, "oooh and this must be Ben. We've heard so much about you."

He gives a small laugh, "all good things I hope?"

"Oh of course, of course." Jack smiles back. He puts out his hand. "I'm Jack."

"Nice to meet you Jack, and you two are?"

"I'm Finn." Finn gives a small wave, "and this is Sophia."

"Hi." Sophia giggles.

"It's nice to meet you all." Ben smiles back at them.

"Well, mom.. we will be down in my room."

She nods.

"You guys have fun!" Ben announces as we walk down to the basmentnet.

"Bye Ben!" Sophia calls out.

"I think someone has a crush" Jack mocks.

"I do not! I-I just met him." She stammers, turning a light shade of pink.

"Oh yeah, okay." He rolls his eyes.

"So Jaeden, how did the dinner go?" Jack asks, shoving chips he found in the basement, into his mouth.

"It was so awkward. I told Sophia that I was a smart ass to Ben and my mom. I guess my mom is using Ben as her coping mechanism."

"Coping mechanism? What coping mechanism?" Finn raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"Sex. Sex is her coping mechanism, for her pain since I tried suicide." I get frustrated and run my hands through my hair.

"Oh that's bull shit!" He says, "sorry Jaeden, but your mom is kind of acting like a teenage girl." He rolls his eyes.

"You're not wrong." I hate to admit it, but my mom is acting immature for her age. I wish she could act her age so that I could talk to her about when I do want to hurt myself, and how I- surprise- am not straight. But she couldn't handle all of that.

"Ben seems nice though" Sophia says, trying to lighten up the awkward situation.

"Yeah, I guess he seems okay." I shrug my shoulders.

"Does your dad know about this?" She asks.

"What? No. My mom and Ben have been seeing each other for like a month and a half- at least. I'm guessing they met not long after my attempt." I tell them, getting really annoyed. "I don't even think my dad knows what happened."

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