Chapter Nineteen

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"So the plan for tonight isss?" Finn asks impatiently on the other line.

"I dont know Finn, I dont know who's having parties..." I groan. " you should know this by now."

"Right, sorry, sorry. I'll ask around, maybe Sadie knows some."

"I bet she does." I say, throwing a ball up in the air and catching it.

"Is your mom cool if you stay out late tonight?"

"I dont know.." I pause, rethinking this morning. "I kind of got mad at her this morning, I'm not sure she'll let me even go out." I sigh

"What? It is summer vacation. We- you are going out."

"Finn, I dont know if she will let me, especially after... what happened" my voice goes quiet.

"I will not let you out of my sight. You will be right by me the whole time."

"Maybe you can ask" I perk up a little, maybe "living on the edge" a little won't be so bad.

"Alrighttt, I can do that... should I text her or do it in person"

"In person definitely."

"I'm coming right now." The line goes dead after.

I walk to the kitchen and see my mom sitting at the bar working on her laptop.

"Hi Jaeden.. how was your last day?" She asks hesitantly

"It was good... it's nice its finally summer."

"We will have to go on a trip... maybe you could visit your dad." She whispers that at part.

My mom hasn't brought my dad up in a while.

Little back story on my parents relationship. My dad married my mom when she was just 19, he was 22, they had it going good at first but then my dad started "working late" almost every night. One night- when my mom was actually working late, I was in my room, assuming I was home alone, cause my dad was "working late" I walked up to my parents room to grab my phone charger I left in there, but I heard moaning, from another female. I obviously knew it wasn't my mom. I didnt want to tell her cause I mean I was only 12, and maybe she wouldn't believe me, but I eventually did, not long after. She filed for a divorce. 3 years later gone by and I haven't seen or heard from my dad since, but I guess he has wanted to see me, says my mom, so they still are in contact I guess.

"Yeah that'd be-"

"Hey, hey, hey Finnys here" Finn aroused walking thorough the front door.

"Hi Finn" my mom greet him.

"Hello Ms.L, may I ask you something" I stand behind my mom, trying to cut Finn off from asking the question, since my mom brought up bad memories for her, I dont want to make it worse.

"Yes of course Finn, what is it?"

"There is a party tonight at one of my friends houses, and I was wondering if you would let Jaeden tag along with me. It is supervised, and I will not let him-"

"Sure" she cuts him off. His eyes go wide. "Its summer now, why not have a little fun"

"Sure?" He says, "sure! Yes thank you Angela."

"Of crouse. You boys have fun."

"So who's party is it?" I question Finn.

"Like I know, Sadie just gave me the address. Get ready, were gunna leave soon." Me and Finn passed time watching YouTube and Netflix.

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