Chapter Four

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Its Saturday. No school. No Wyatt. Just peace and qui-

"Get up Jaeden! We are going out tonight" Finn yells running into my room.

"Finn its 10:30 am! Why- how are you awake?"

"Because we are going out and we are going to get you a cute girl to date!" My stomach clenches.

"I dont want too."

"Come on, Sadie is having a party tonight. Everyone will be there."

I have no point in arguing with this kid, so I decided to give in.

"Fine. But I'm not doing anything I shouldn't."

"Yes, thank you. I love you. Now, get up and get dressed we are going to Sophia's." He says quickly.

"No! I need to shower and get ready. Plus what are we going to do before the party!?"

"We are going shopping!! Getting us all cute new outfits to wear, now go shower, hurry!" He rushes me to my bathroom.

I dont take a long shower, just wash my hair and body really fast. I step out of the shower, grab my baby blue towel and wrap it around my waist.

I walk out of my bathroom, going straight to my closet

I throw jeans and a hoodie, since we are going shopping to get us clothes for this party. I look up at Finn, he's on the phone.

"Soph we are on our way and are picking Jack up- yes he knows, yes hes fine with it... okay..okay bye"

"We are picking Jack up?" He nods

"Come on, get dressed, I'm anxious. This is gunna be so fun" he squeals.

I go back to my bathroom throwing my boxes and clothes on.

"Do you know who all is going to the party?" I ask him, as we both walk to his car.

"The whole school. Duh." He answers, putting music on. "So last night, I was with this really hot chick, you know? And we were fucking and she called me daddy.. like holy shit, I lost it."

"Okay and why did I need to know this?" I ask, with a disgusted look on my face.

"Just so, if you get lucky tonight, trust me Jae, getting called daddy's a turn on."

"Please stop talking!" I groan, "I dont need to know this Finn." I sank into my seat.

"Awe alright I'm sorry Jae I'll stop" He laughs

"Thank God." I mumble.

After 15 minutes of driving we make it to Sophia's house, picking Jack up on the way.

"Ohh nice one Finn, getting called daddy's a turn on" Jack says, praising the taller boy, stepping into Sophia's house.

"For the last time, stop talking about this in front of me" I complain.

"What- what are they doing?" Sophia asks me

"You dont wanna know" I roll my eyes

"Finn got called daddy last night"

"And I told Jae, that if a girl calls him that it's a turn on."

Sophia and I lock eyes. I start shaking.

"Uh Finn-" Sophia starts

"I-I'll be right back." I run to the bathroom.

I know I'm probably overreacting, this shouldn't be a big deal, but for me it is. I slide down against the bathroom wall. I bring me knees up to my chest, hugging them. I start to sob.

"You're so stupid" I tell myself, "they're going to hate you.."

I've been in the bathroom for 10 minutes, haven't moved, just have been sitting and crying. There's knock from the other side of the door.

"Jaeden.." Its Sophia, "let me in please." I dont move, I dont want her to see me crying. She tries to open the door, I locked it of coruse. "Fuck" I hear running, outside the door. Assuming she comes back, picking the lock.

"Oh Jaeden.." She comes to hug me. "I told Finn and Jack to knock it off.. I'm sorry they keep trying to hook you up with a girl.."

"I feel so stupid for acting like this! I'm scared to tell them cause then they'll just feel bad."

"Maybe just.. tell Finn. Tell him you don't really appreciate the comments about girls. Just think about it" she says helping me up, "maybe there will be a cute guy their at the party" she winks.

"Jaeden are you alright?" Jack and Finn yell, running up to me.

"Y-yeah just had an anxiety attack. Im alright."

"Well alright then let's go!" Jack yells

|At The Mall|

"So I was thinking of going to zumiez?" Finn suggests

"Perfect let's go." Sophia says

"I'm buying this" I tell them, holding up a Thrasher t-shirt.

"Just that?" Finn asks

"I guess yeah, I dont need anything new" I shrug.

They keep shopping for about 20 more minutes, Jack complains that hes hungry so we walk to the food court, get gets pizza.

"Well this has been fun" Sophia says, "shopping with my three favorite boys" she giggles

"I can't wait to go back and get ready for Sadie's party." Jack says

"Same" says Finn

"We should get going. We've been here for 2 hours." I tell them, "the party start at 6 and it's almost 4."

We all rode back to Sophia's house where we start to get ready, I'm really nervous about they party, but maybe it will be good for me to loosen up a bit.

Let the night begin.

Ahh guys im trying to sooner, the next part to this chapter will be up hopefully in 4 days.

** PLZ READ: I am changing some things further into the story, there will be smut, if you dont like it skip the chapter, the characters are aged up still. I wont be putting warnings in,  if you read this disclose you will already know the warnings.

But I love you all and thank you for reading, I want this book to go far:) I'm thinking of making it 2-3 books also:)

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