Chapter Thirty Three

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Since Angela had to work all day today, I thought I would catch up some friends I worked with. I did feel bad leaving Jaeden home alone, since I wasnt sure on when I would be heading back.

After the boys and I went out for some drinks and dinner, it was around 8 and I drove back to the house.

"Jaeden, I'm home!" I dont get a response. I walk unto Angela and I's room to see if he spent the day in there.

It looked like he was in here, the TV is on, the sheets are messed up. Food and drinks on the nightstand.

I wonder where he went. I go down and check his room.


I check the bathroom.

"Oh my God." I panic, Jaeden is laying unconscious on the bathroom floor, covered in blood. I text Anglea and dial 911.

Someone answers and I tell them what I just saw, they said they are sending an ambulance. I panick as I clean the blood off of him.

I checked for a pulse and it seems very weak.

I hear pounding in the door, I rush upstairs and open it.

"Where is the boy?" The lady asks

"Down here." I say, and 2 other medics follow me down.

"I-I don't know when this happened, I got home 10 minutes ago. His pulse seems very weak." I tell them, they pick him up and put him a the gurnee. "H-His mother isn't home though, she is at work."

"So what does that make you?"

"I'm Ben. Ben Hardy, I'm his mums boyfriend."

"We will take him to this hospital, and well since you're the only one here, you can ride in the back with him." The paramedic tells me. I nod and follow them upstairs.

The ride wasn't long, thank God. I texted Angela and told her to meet us there as soon as possible.

We pull in to the emergency section of the hospital, they take Jaeden to a hospital room. I start to follow.

"We need you to stay back here while we get all the IV's in him. We will inform you when you may come back." The paramedic tells me. I nod nervously, not wanting him to go alone, but I know he has too.

I sigh and find a seat to sit at in the waiting room.

"Ben!" I hear Angela yell. "Where- where is he? Is he okay? I need to see him!" She stammers out.

"They brought him back to a room and are hooking him up to monitors. They said they'll come back when we can go see him." I tell her, trying my best to relax her.

"I can't believe this happened again." She whispers, "I was not going to let this happen again." She says, tears filling her eyes.

"Shh, it's alright. He is going to be fine. Just think that, he will be okay, everything will turn out fine." I whisper and leave a kiss on her forehead.

"Mr.Hardy?" A doctor calls. Angela and I stand up. The doctor smiles, "you can come back now." We follow the doctor to the room.

"Jaeden!" Angela yells, rushing to be by his side.

"He is still unconscious, but he should wake up soon." The doctor tells us.

"Thank you." I say, she smiles and walks out of the room.

"I hope he wakes up soon.."

"He will, just give it time. I could run get you some food. Have you ate since this morning?" She shakes her head. "Are you hungry?"

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