Chapter Thirty Five

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Today is the day I can finally leave. I'm really excited to go home. I am debating if I should tell my friends what happened. I mean if my friend had a failed suicide attempt, I would want to know so I can help them, ya know?

"Ready Jaeden?" Ben asks

"Yup. I'm just hoping this is the last time I'll be in a hospital for this reason." I tell him.

"Me too, we are meeting your mom." He tells me, I get up from the chair in the lobby and walk outside.

"Ah, there she is." Ben point to the Mercedes pulling in. She stops, and I open the door and climb into the car.

"Ready to go home?" She asks.

"Of crouse I am. I texted Wyatt and the gang.. could they come over?" Since in stil grounded, I dunno if she would say yes or no.

"Of course, they can sleep over If you want." My jaw drops


"They can stay the night-"

"No, no I heard you. But did you hear you, do you know what you just said?" I question

"Yes Jaeden, I do know what I said, and if they want to stay the night, they can, even Wyatt."

"Ben, where did my mother go?" I ask. "You're actually being serious. You would even let Sophia sleep over?"

"Yes, even Sophia."

"Wow. Uhm okay, ill text them and ask."

I make a group chat with the 5 of us in it.

Jaeden: Hey guys, I'm on my way home, you guys can come over and stay the night if you want.

Finnie boy: and stay the night? What the hell, did you ask your mom?

Sophia: Yeah uhm, even me? Who's idea was this?

Jack-Jack: I'll be there in 10.

Wyatt💕: I'll be there when I can baby boy.

Jack-Jack: Okay gross Wyatt, keep it in your pants

Wyatt💕: Shut up Grazer.

Jaeden: okay, so yeah it was my moms idea for staying the night, so if you wanna you can.

Sophia: I'll be there:)

Finnie boy: Same. I'm down.

I have to text Finn. I totally forgot to have him tell me if him and Sophia are dating.

Jaeden: Finn.

Finnie Boy: Jaeden.

Jaeden: Are you and Sophia...

Jaeden: You know, dating?

He doesn't respond for a minute.

Finnie boy:... Yeah, we are.

Jaeden: OH MY GOD YES.

Jaeden: Does Jack know?

Finnie Boy: Yeah he does, he acted really weird about it though, like he was mad? I dunno.

Jaeden: Yeah that's weird.. uhm well anyways, I'll see you all in a few right?

Finnie boy: Yeah, I'm picking up Jack and Sophia in a while.

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