Chapter Thirty Two

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I've been trying to get Wyatt to text me back for the last 2 hours. He still hasn't responded to my calls or texts. I guess I really upset him last night, since I was the one who didn't text or call him back.

My mom is at work all day today, and Ben, well Ben said he was going out with some friends for the day so I am home alone, in my mother's room, watching That 70's Show. It honestly is very boring.

Even though I woke up at 11, I took a nap for an hour and woke up at 1, I thought by then I would get a text from someone, but not even a single one. I have such good friends and a good boyfriend. I groan and throw my phone across the room.

I don't care if it breaks, it's not like people are trying to get in contact with me. They don't care.

I can't really think straight though. My mind is falling into a dark place again. I can feel my arms literally wanting that smooth piece of cold metal running though them, breaking the skin open and just letting the blood flow out.

I try and shake that thought from my mind over and over again, but I fail. I scratch down my arm to see if that will give me the same satisfaction.

It doesn't.


I groan and get out of my moms bed, walk all the way downstairs to my bathroom and search for my small box I keep my blades in.

I find it and open it, taking my sharpest one out, and, well you know what happens next.

I have blood running down both my arms, chest, legs. Everywhere. I don't know what's gotten into me. I let my mind take over again, worse than last time.

Wyatt will be mad, but understanding.

He won't care.

Finn will be upset, worried.

He'll forget about it in a day.

Jack will try and help.

He won't know what to do.

Sophia will try and help me though it.

She'll get tired of trying.

My mom will try and be there more.

She likes it cause it gives her sex.

Ben will let me talk to him.

He'll stop listening.

My mind is going back and forth between positive and negative outcomes.

I cant take it anymore.

I let out a scream of anger, falling to the floor, tears are streaming down my face. I can't take all of these feelings anymore. I can't take all this emotion. I need it to stop.

I want to stop feeling.

I want to stop caring.

I want to stop trying.

I want to stop pretending.

I want to stop.

I want to be done.

I want it to be over.

I want it to end.

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