Chapter Thirty Nine

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"You're late." I freeze when I see Ben standing in the kitchen.

"Oh-oh, hey Ben." I say, quietly clearing the garage door, "I didn't think you'd be up."

"Well, when you're an hour and a half late for curfew, I worry."

"Thanks, but you're not my dad." I say, "we- where watching a movie and lost track of time.." I hope he buys this.

"That's what you say when you just get laid."


"Jaeden, I told you to be careful!"

"I am, okay? I'm being careful. I'm not the mood to get fucking yelled at, so goodnight." I walk past him, he grabs my wrist.

"This better not happen again or I will tell your mother." He says and let's go. I roll my eyes.

"Asshole." I mutter, shutting the basement door closed.

I strip from my clothes and into sweatpants, I look at myself in my dresser mirror, sigh and shake my head.

I let out a groan as I belly flop onto my bed. My phone buzzes in the pocket of my sweats, letting a moan slip out from my mouth. I grab my phone from my pocket. It's a text from Sophia.

Why is she texting me at almost 1 in the morning?

Sophia: You did what?! Does he know?

What the fuck?

Jaeden: I'm sorry, but I'm lost?I reply back

Sophia: Oh no, uhm, sorry Jaeden that was for Wyatt.

Wyatt? Okay this is actually getting extremely confusing.

Sophia: Shit. No, that wasn't for Wyatt, sorry Jae. Go sleep now. Okay, I love you, goodnight.

I dont reply, I call Wyatt instead, to see what's going on.

"Miss me already, Jae?" He answers.

"Yeah, sure. Uhm, I have a question.."

"Ask away."

"Well, I got this text from Sophia, and she said she meant to send it to you but-"

"What did it say?" He cuts me off, he seems like he is panicking.

"Let me check again, hang on." I move the phone from my ear and put it on speaker, going to Sophia and I's texts, "okay, it says, 'you did what, and does he know.'"

"Fuck." He mutters


"What did she say after?" His voice is shaky.

"That she meant to send that to you, but then she said that, that wasnt meant for you." I reply.

"And you called me because?" His tone of voice has sass in it.

"Well, I wanted to know if you knew what she was talking about, since she did say that she was supposed to send that text to you."

"I-I don't know why. I didnt even get a text from her.." his voice wanders.

"Oh, okay. Sorry for calling, I just thought you'd have an idea. If you're tired, I can go." I feel my anxiety overcome me.

"No baby, it's okay. I'm glad you called, I missed your voice and your cute little moans, and ohhh." He says, almost moaning himself.

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