Chapter One

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Hia, I'm Jaeden. I'm what you might call a "good boy" I get straight A's in every class. I always hangout with the good kids. I never have skipped class, or school. Sure people think I'm weird like that, but it doesn't bother me that much.

I'm not popular either, I mainly am hanging with my three best friends. Jack, Finn, and Sophia. We are all best friends, we'll tell each other everything. We know everything about each other.. but there is one thing that no one knows, not even them. I'm a closeted gay kid. *Acts shocked* anyways, I know that my friends wont judge me, just you know.. nerves, always get in the way. Anyways, I currently am getting ready for school, waiting for my friends to come over.

"Yo Jae, where you at" I hear an impatient Finn yell

"In my room, obviously" I hear him rushing up the stair, assuming he fell cause he muttered a quiet "shit"

"Careful Finn" I laugh as he walks into my room. He flips me off and jumps on my bed.

"You know when Jack and Sophia are coming over?" He asks, playing on his phone.

"They should be here soon" I tell him walking out of my closet. "How do I look?" I ask Finn. He looks up from his phone, propping his elbows up on the bed to see me better.

"Oh so cute Jae." He says in a high pitched voice "really loving the sweater."

I like being comfortable, I am wearing a baby blue sweater with black joggers and a new pair of Van's.

"Oh shut up Wolfhard. You know I love being comfy"

"And I don't blame you Jae." A sleepy Sophia said, walking in my room, sitting by Finn. "Being comfy is the shit" she laughs.

"Yeah, yeah you guys let's go. We're going to be late." An annoyed Jack says.

We pile into Finns car, dreading going to school. The drives not far, about 10 minutes. The whole time I just sit and look through my Instagram feed.

"Alright losers get out" Finn says, locking his car.

"I'm dreading 1st period. I have class with Wyatt.." I say trailing off.

"You'll be fine Jaeden. Just ignore him." Jack says

We all go our separate ways, I put my head down as I walk through the hall.

Stepping into my art class room I head to my seat, waiting impatiently for class to start, right as the bell rings Wyatt walks in.

"Great" I mutter to myself.

"What was that Lieberher?" Wyatt asks sitting next to me.

"Oh nothing"

"Whatever you say Princess."

Princess? What the fuck. Wyatt's acting weird. He never calls me anything besides "Lieberher" I dont even think he knows my name. I shrug it off, hoping he wont talk to me the rest of class.

"Hey Lieberher, what did we do yesterday" Wyatt asks. I ignore him, carefully finishing my sketch.

"Oh come on dont ignore me, Pricness." He gives me a smirk.

I go to say something but the teacher interrupts me.

"Okay class, you guys are going to have an assignment that you need to do with a partner" our teacher announces. I pray I'm not Wyatt's. "Your partner is the person you are sitting next too. You will have 2 weeks to make a realistic drawing of whatever you please."

"Great.." I whisper.

"Looks like someone cant ignore me anymore" Wyatt says, putting his and on my knee. I look down, shocked at his action and swat his hand away.

"Whatever" I scoff, I saw pushing my chair in, leaving the classroom.

I meet up with Sophia for second period. Eagerly waiting to tell her what happened.

"So how was first?" She asked, setting her books down.

"Wyatt put his hand on my knee and kept calling me Pricness" I blurt out.

"What!" She yells, getting weird looks from the students and teacher. "Sorry" she shrugs.

"Yeah.. it was really weird." I tell her, opening my math book.

"You know he's gay right."

"Yes Sophia I know, I just- why would he do that?"

"Maybe he likes you"

My face turns a bright red, Sophia doesn't know I'm gay, so I dont know why she suggested that.

"I'm straight." I lie right through my teeth. "I do not like Wyatt"

"Jaeden, Sophia, hush down." Mrs.Davis says

"I'm just saying," she whispers "dont let it bother you"

The rest of the day goes by as a blur. I am in 5th period, waiting to go home. I had class with Jack during 5th, and he can tell something was wrong.

"Jae where you okay during last period?" Jack asks sitting on my bed by Finn.

"Wyatt put his had on his knee and called him pricness." A clueless Sophia said

"Thanks Sophia" I roll my eyes.

"Wait he did what." Finn asks

"You heard the lady Finn" Jack says

"Wow Jae what are you going to do?"

"Nothing. Ignore him a much as possible" I say, after I say that my phone goes off.

Unknown number:"Hey Princess;)"

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, sorry if it was really boring. Trust me the story will get better and longer. Vote/comment if ya like:)

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