Chapter Five

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Its 5:30, we all are ready for the party, but I am dreading it.

"Jae does your mom know you're going to a party" Finn questions

"N-no she thinks we are all hanging out here."

"What? The Jaeden Wesley Lieberher, our dear innocent, honest, Jaeden is lying to his own mother? He's grown up so much." Finn fake cries.

"Hanging with Wyatts rubbed off on you huh?" Jack says 

"I hung out with him one time." I state, rolling my eyes.

"Guys leave 'em alone" Sophia says

"I heard Wyatt is going to be at the party" Jack starts, "probably with one of his new sluts" he rolls his eyes. I feel a little jealously, I shouldn't. I dont like Wyatt.

"Ohh Jaeden, you going to be alright with him there?" Finn asks me

"I guess yeah, I bet I wont see him, but we should get going."

We get into Sophia's car, she puts some of her music on. I scratch at my arms, the nerves are running through me.

"You okay?" Finn looks at my arms, the new scars/ scratches are visible, with my sleeve slightly rolled up. "Jaeden!" He gasps, attempting to grab my arm.

"You guys okay?" Jack asks, sitting in the front seat, playing on his phone.

"Jaeden has-"

"I'm fine." I glare at him, giving him the hint.

"You're not fine!" He yells.

"Finn" Sophia says, very sternly.

"Sophia he-"

"I dont care Finn. Stop talking"

I look down, "sorry" I whisper.

The rest of the car ride was silent. No one said a word, music playing softly.

We pull up to the huge house, kids outside, drinks in their hands, teenagers grinding on each other.

"Awe hell yes!" We see Chosen and Jeremy walking towards us. "Let the party begin, Mr.Wolfhard, your drink" chosen hands Finn a cup with some sort of liquid in it.

Finn takes a drink "ah, Vodka, that's a nice one.  He says, taking another drink.

"Finn!" I slap his arm, "you can't drink that!"

"Lighten up a bit, Jae" he hands me the cup, "try it."

"Finn, you idiot! Jaeden give me that" Jack says, taking the drink from my hand, "you're going to kill this kid!" He glances at Finn.

"I'm going inside, Jaeden you're coming with me" Sophia demands, dragging me into the huge house.

"Ah Sophia!" A red headed girl, runs towards us, this must be Sadie.

"Sadie this Is Jaeden, Jaeden this is Sadie" Sophia introduces us

"Heya cutie" she says smiling, I blush a little.

"H-Hi" i whisper

"He's shy" sophia informs her, I slap her arm.

"Sophia!" I whine.

"Point proven." She says, laughing a littleb

"You dont need to be shy Jaeden! Come get a drink" she esquotres us to the kitchen.

"Sophia.." I whine.

"I know, i know" she whispers, "I'll be right back."  She leaves me with Sadie. Finn walks up behind me "Yo Sadie, how you been?"

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