Chapter Twenty Three

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"So how was the dinner?" Sophia asks on the other end of the phone.

"It was.. awkward. I was being a smart ass, my mom got mad, and Ben was just kind of chill.. I guess?"

"How where you a smart ass?" She giggles

"Well he was telling me how my mom and him met, and he said at work.. which we all know that's not true. And I just said it's not professional to sleep with someone you work with."

"Good job Jae, speaking the truth. I wonder where they actually did meet though." She says questionably.

"Probably at like a bar or something. I guess she is using my suicide attempt as an excuse for dealing with her pain to whatever. So you know, that's cool."

"That's so wrong Jaeden, what pain does she have? Yes I can only imagine what she felt and is feeling, but it cannot he close to what you felt."

Little does she know- or does anyone know, I'm still feeling it.

"Yeah, it's kind of dumb, I guess. But, her choices."

"Look, I'm really sorry. Me, Jack, and Finn are. Also, Chosen and Jeremy are, they miss seeing you at school. Chosen is having a party he wants you to come took once you're ungrounded."

"That might be a while" I tell her truthfully.

"Maybe I'll ask your mom if we can just come see you for a bit.."

"You can try, I'll be surprised if I see you all tomorrow morning."

"Well, I have a feeling you will. I need to get going and sleep, or my mom will kill me. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight Sophia."

"Goodnight Jaeden, I love you"

"I love you too." I say and hang up the phone.

I am extremely tired and feel like I have been up for more than 24 hours, it's been a long day and night. I need to try and get some sleep. I close my eyes and hope I fall asleep in a reasonable time.

"Jaeden?" I hear a light knocks and a nervous looking mom.

"What?" I say extremely confused, I check the time to see that it is 7:45

"I-I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about last night and how I acted- and I shpuld have made you go to that dinner." She tell me

"Okay and you couldn't have told me this when I woke up?" I sass.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to tell you. Also Ben and I are running to the gym for a while so you're home alone."

"Okay.. can I go back to bed now?" She nods and closes my door. I sigh and fall back to sleep.

I didn't get the best rest after my mom came in early this morning, I only got 2 more hours of sleep. My mom snd Ben still were at the gym, typical of my mom to be there for at least 2 hours or more.

I didn't really have anything exciting to do, since- I'm assuming all of my friends are still asleep since it's around 9 am on Sunday. Guess I will do what every teenager does with no social life. Watch Netflix. I brows through my recently watched shows until I find what I'm looking for.

That 70's Show. It's my favorite.

I was uninterrupted untill I heard chatting coming from the kitchen.



"We're back." My mom announces.

"I can tell." I say, not breaking my focus away from the TV.

I think about asking my mom if I can be ungrounded since I have been mostly been doing what she tells me to do.

"Mom?" I quickly say before she's turns to go to her bedroom. I look back and see that Ben isnt with her, he must be waiting for her in her room. Gross.

"Yes, Jaeden?"

"W-when can I be ungrounded?" I give her a pleading look.

She thinks for a second says, "Jaeden you lied to me-"

"You lied to me."

"I'm an adult. I make me own decisions. I didn't lie to you, I just wasnt ready for you to find out."

"Okay this Is besides the point. Can I be ungrounded. My friends miss me."


"Mom, please."

She pauses and takes a deep breath, "fine." She closing her eyes. "Fine. Have your friends over." She says and turn to go to her bedroom.

I perk up slightly and text my friends. 

Jaeden: Guess who's finally ungrounded. I text out group chat, not expecting any of them to respond right away.

Finnie boy: Awe our baby Jae can finally have his boyfriend shove his tongue down his throat. How sweet.

I roll my eye at that.

Wyatt💞: I'll be over soon, baby.😉

Mamma Sophia: Awe the gangs back together.

Jack-Jack: I'm trying to fucking sleep. Stop texting the chat.

Finnie boy: Yeah he is trying to sleep, he keeps kicking me telling me to get off my phone.

Jack-Jack: Finn I am 10 inches away from you, and I will kick you.

Finnie boy: He just kicked me. We'll see you guys later today.

*Exits chat*

Wyatt💞: When can I come over?

Jaeden: Wyatt it's not even 10 in the morning.

Wyatt💞: I know, I know. I just have missed you.

Jaeden: I have missed you too, but dont you want to come over later?

Wyatt💞: For you I will wait, I'll see you later.

I smile, I'm happy I can finally hangout with people, and not sit around my house all day.

I finish my episode if That 70's Show and go get ready for the day. I shower and after I quickly find something to wear. I fix my hair, brush my teeth, ya know all that stuff you do to get ready for the day. I decide to wait untill I text Wyatt to have him come over, since its 10, I'll have him come over around 1 so we can hangout before the rest of the group gets here.

Short and probably extremely boring, I'm sorry but I felt like I should post sooner than planned, so please excuse how short this is. I'll be starting the next chapter right after this. It will be longer and hopefully not boring...

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