Chapter Thirteen

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After I left Jaedens house I went to Nic's.


"Downstairs!" I hear his aussie accent.

"What's up Wy?" Jake asks

"Just came from Jaedens." I reply bluntly.

"Oh yeah, how is the kid? He tried to commit, right?" Nic asks. I stand there for a moment.

"How do you know?"

"Your snap chat location was on, said you where at the hospital. I assumed it had to deal with this kid." He eyes me, and takes a sip from his drink, "at first it was rumor. Someone found out it was true, but I wasn't told who." I shake my head in disbelief.

"Will keep yourself out of it." I tell him.

"Calm down Wyatt, it's not like you care for this kid, genuinely." Owen says

I dont say anything, or look at anyone else in the room.

"No fucking way." Loagn chimes in, "you do. You actually like this kid, I mean you did just come from his house."

"I guess our little game didnt go as planned." Nic says, "I mean, all you had to do was get with him in some way, but we didnt think you'd fall for him." He pat's me on the back.

"Are you guys... a thing?"

I nod.

"So the kid is gay. I called it. He cant be straight and have no much experience with fashion."

"Hey, straight guys can know fashion too." I state.

"Well Wyatt, as you best friend, we will support this relationship of yours."

"Thank you, as for the rest of you, you will not tell a soul about it. He still is in the closet for the most part, only his friends know." I try to make myself clear.

"We wont tell, right boys?" They all nod.

"Good, now let's play some Call of Duty."

After almost 3 hours of us gaming, I get a call from Jaeden.

"Guys shh, Hey Jaeden." I greet

"Ohhh it's Jaeden." Nic mocks

"How are you feeling?" I ask him, ignoring Nic

"I'm okay.." His voice echos.

"Jaeden where are you?"

"My house..?"

"I know, but where in your house."

"My bathroom"

"Are you okay? Should I come back over?" I start to panick.

"I'm okay Wyatt. Stay where you're at. Dont worry about me."

"Could I come back tonight? We could cuddle.."

"Mhm, sure" he giggles

"Well baby, I will call you when I'm on my way." I smile.

"Okay" I can tell he's smiling.

I hang up the phone and return to the boys.

"So how's your boy?" Nic asks

"He's good, I'm going to see him later tonight"

"Ooh get your freak on." He winks.

I roll my eyes.

After being at Nics house, I decided to leave.

I walk home so my parents dont think anything suspicious.

"I'm home, but I gotta leave to work on a final!" I tell to whomever may be listening.

"When will you be back?" My dad asks, around 10? That okay?"



"Sure" he rolls his eyes.

I run to my room and change.

Wyatt: I'm coming right now

Jaeden: Perfect:)

I smile and slide my phone into my jeans

"Alright so. The art project." I say, slumping to his bed 

"I dont wanna do it" he groans

"I dont either.." I laugh.

"Maybe we can work on it tomorrow tonight and tonight with the... hour and 45 minutes we have, we can relax?"

I nod my head and pull him to my chest.

"Jaeden?" I ask, pausing the silence.


"Have you thought about telling your mom?"

"I have, a lot. I just get so nervous and I have no clue how she will react."

"I know, my family.. they-they had no clue how too. My mom stood there, looked at me, didnt say a word. My dad got up and left and my brother hugged me. But after a whole, they where okay with it. They are happy for me."

"I want to tell my mom soon."

"Well, whenever you choose to do it I will support you"

"Thank you, Wyatt" he whispers.

I pull him close to me, and close my eyes.

It only seems like i fell asleep for only 20 minutes. Boy was I wrong.

"10:30? Fuck, my dads gunna kill me!" I jump out of Jaedens bed, waking him up. "Jaeden I need to get home.." I rush to get my things.

"I'm so sorry you're late.."

"Dont be, I'll see you tomorrow" I hug him and walk towards the window.

My night is going to be hell.

Why hello:) I'm not dead... well maybe a lil. But you guys have no idea how sorry I am for the long wait. Like do you even read this anymore!? But I sill get back into writing. I missed ittt. But I hope you guys are enjoying.

I know this chapter was short but I needed to post something asap:)

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