Chapter Twenty Two

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It's Saturday, 5 o'clock and I am getting ready for this dinner date with my mom and Ben. Things between my mom and I have been more off than normal. We don't talk as much, I try to avoid her as much as I can. Things with me and Ben.. well, they are okay. A little awkward and all, but I guess not awful. I still don't know how I feel about him.

A knock is on my door, "Jaeden?" A British accent rings through my ears, Ben peaks his head into my room. "Your mum wants to know if you are almost ready."

"Yeah," I fix my tie, sighing, "I'm ready." I look back at him and give him a shrug.

"You don't seem too excited?"

I don't want to come off as an ass so I say, "no I-I am, I just-"

"Jaeden listen, you mother told me how you think I am using her and-"

"God of course she did." I groan, "I'm sorry but I really would rather stay away from this subject. We can go now." I say, pushing past him. I can hear a sigh escape his lips.

"You cleaned up nice Jaeden, thank you." My mom says as Ben and I walk to the kitchen.

"You're welcome, I guess."

"You look beautiful, my love." Ben says, kissing my mothers cheek.

"Let's get going, out reservation is at 6." My mom announces, "we have a 45 minute drive."

This is going to be the longest night ever.

My mom let's Ben drive, she sets her hand on his, while he's holding the gear shifter. I feel like they are even more closer to each other.

I put my headphones in and tune Ben and my mom out.

I open my Netflix app and turn on That 70's Show. I watch about 3 and a half episodes before my mom informs me that we are at the restaurant. I groan and put my headphones away.

Once we get into the restaurant we are greeted by someone behind the counter.

"Reservation for Hardy." Ben smiles at the lady.

"Right this way." She leads us to our table. We take our seats. I start to look around, this is a very nice restaurant, me and my mom have never been to a place this nice before. Ben must have set this all up.

"So, I am assuming that the whole dinner thing is for me and Ben to get to know each other better-"

"Oh I think we know each other." He says, obviously hinting about what he walked in on.

I roll my eyes and continue, "because of that incident." I finish.

"Jaeden!" My mom scoffs

"It's okay, love." Ben assures her, "he is allowed to be upset and cautious about all of this."

"Damn right I am."


"Hi my name is Hailey and I will be your server tonight, can I get you guy some drinks? Appetizers?"

"I will have a white wine please." My mother says

"I will have a scotch-"

"Ben you're driving." My mom whispers

"I will just have one-" He assures her.

"And for you?" She asks me.

"I'll just have a water." I give her a fake smile, she writes the drinks down and leaves.

"Jaeden, behave." My mom scolds

"Love, he is fine. Don't worry about it." Ben assures her again.

"Yeah mom, dont worry." I tell her.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, it is very awkward. Then our server comes back with our drinks.

"Thank you." We all say after we get ours.

"Are you ready to order?" She asks, we all nod.

"I will get the halabait, with vegetables, please." My mom says

"I will get the same as her." Ben smiles

"And for you?" She turns to me.

"Can I get the filet?"

"Yes, of course. For a side?"

"Mash potatoes."

"Alright, I will get this out to you as soon as it's ready." She smiles and walks away. 

"So Jaeden, I dont know much about you. Give me the basics, how old are you?" Ben asks, getting a small sip of his scotch.

"I am 15."

"Oh, you will be driving soon, huh?"

"Yeah, hopefully." I say, because my mom won't let me leave her sight anymore.

"What grade are you in? 10th, I'm assuming?"

"11th, now. I say quietly.

"I remember my 11th grade year, high school is an excitement."

"It's alright, I guess." I shrug. "I'm just glad is summer."

"Ah yes, summer. The times for parties. Been to many of those?"

"Just 1." I lie, since my mom clearly doesn't know about the first one I went too.

"Let's hope that changes, parties are the best for high schoolers."

"High school isn't all about the parties, Ben." My mom chimes in.

"So if I can ask a question." I say

"Yes?" Ben replies.

"How long have you guys been screwing?" I say, trying to hide my tone of being a smart ass.

"Jaeden Wesley-"

"He's alright, he should know." He says, "well, this all started about a month or so ago, your mom met me at a-"

"I met him at work." She butts in, obviously hiding the truth.

"Yes... I work with her."

"Oh so that's why you always rush of to work.. It's not very professional to sleep with someone you work with." I sass back.

"You're right it's not, but it's not like I'm her boss." I guess he has a point. "Your mom said that someone she is close to tried doing something very bad, and I had her over one night, one thing lead to another and now... here we are." He gives a unpleasant smile, not knowing if he should or not.

I think about who could have done something bad to themselves, but then it clicks. It was me she was talking about. I'm the one who "did something bad" she is using her feeling of guilt for not being there for me, and coping with it by having sex with a guy she barely knows.

I look at her with disgust in my eyes, she knew that I knew he was talking about me.

"Well, I guess as long as you're.. helping her cope, it's not a problem." I spit out.

Not long after our awkward conversation, our food comes. We all eat in mostly silence, Ben and my mom have a few small conversations, while I just keep quiet.

"That dinner was lovely, thank you Ben." My mom leans over and kisses his cheek, a slight blush creeps upon his cheeks.

"It wasn't a problem." He smiles, "we should get going." We pay, and quickly exit the restaurant.

Short I know, hopefully you guys like this  I am trying to go in a little deep about Jaedens mom, and her and Jaedens relationship. As you can tell it's not the best.

Get ready for some dramaaaa sooon:))))

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