Chapter Seven

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I wake up, my head feels foggy and hurts like hell. I pick up my phone to see what time it is, it reads "10:37". I roll over and see a curly haired boy. Finn.

Trying not to wake him up, I roll out of his bed and head to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Messy hair, pale skin, bags under my eyes. I look like shit. I splash some water on my face. I think about taking a shower, I mean Finn wont care. I grab a towel out of his  closet in the bathroom, and turn the shower on.

I strip down, folding my clothes, and putting them on the countertop. I get in the shower, the water is just the right temperature. I run my hands thought my hair, letting it get wet underneath the water.

I grab the shampoo bottle, putting a fair amount into my hands, and scrub my scalp. I rise out my hair, getting the conditioner. I let it sit in my hair for about 3 minutes, waking my body before I rinse my hair.

I finish my shower, and grab my towel. I dry off my body and hide, wrapping the towle around my waist. I grab my boxers and Finn's sweats and walk back into his room.

"Ah I was wondering where you went, how you feelin?" He asks, propping himself up on his bed.

"My head hurt and I look like shit, but smell amazing." I laugh. "Can I borrow some.." i trail off.

"Top drawer on the left"

I grap a pair of black boxers, and quickly put them on before Finn has time to look up from his phone.

"Thanks." I say throwing the towel on the floor, putting the same pair of sweats on. 

"Jaeden are you logged into your snapchat?"

"Yeah why-"

"Give me your phone."

"What? Why?"

"Just give it to me!" I tried to grab my phone from the sweats front pocket.

"Hands off Wolfhard." I swat his hand away. I pull my phone up and open snapchat, looking through people's stories, "what the big deal-" I stop when I see what Nic posted on his story.

It's a video of the party last night, but one thing catches my eye. Wyatt. He's sitting on a couch with some blonde kid, making out with him. My heart sinks. I guess I was developing small feelings for him.

I throw my phone on the floor. I feel so stupid, he used me. Wyatt used me just to get his own pleasure.


"Don't. Don't try and help me please."

I walk out of his room, going down to his kitchen. Finn follows of course.

"Jaeden what are you doing"

"I'm starving. I'm getting food, dumbass." I snap.

"Okay, ouch. That hurt. Look I know you're upset-"

I dont say anything. I walk passed Finn, going to his bathroom, locking the door.

I sit there on the floor, I've been in the position one to many times. I sit there and cry, and think how stupid I am that I thought that Wyatt cared, even in the slightest way.

"Jaeden open the door."

"Go away, Finn"

"Open the goddamn door."

"Leave me alone, Finn. Please."

I hear footsteps fade.

I'm alone. Just me and my thoughts, that's one scary place to be in. I want to be alone. I don't want to be around anyone, I think I'll just go home, have the rest of the group hangout without me. They'll be happier.


"Are you alright" he rushes towards me, taking my arms in his hands.

"I want to go home. You guys can hangout without me."

He looks a little sad, "are you sure? You know we want to hangout hangout with you."

"I-I'm sure. My mom wants me home anyways.."

"I'll drive you home then, let's go."

The drive was short, we didnt talk, I told him I'll see him at school tomorrow.

"I'm home mom!"

"Jaeden did you have fun this weekend? I barely saw you."

"Yeah I had fun, we all just hung out and watched movies."

"That sounds like fun, but im running the get some groceries, I will be back in a few hours." She kisses my head, rushing out the door.

Since I am still wearing Finm's sweats, I run and put on a muscle tee on. I sit on my living room couch and put on Netflix, I brows though the shoes will I find the one I'm looking for.

"The Office" I click on it, I am finally watching it all the way though.

"I'm going to kill myself, I'm going to kill myself and its your fault." Micheal yells at Jim.

This is the episode where Michesl needs to fire someone and he is making Jim practice on him. All I can say is same Micheal.

My favorite character from The Office is Dwight, because he is like the student who think that he is the teacher favorite student, but the teacher forgets him most of the time.

I continue to watch it for an hour, my mom still isn't back. I shrug the thought off. I get a text, from Wyatt. Great.

Wyatt: Hia Princess, how are you?

I dont respond, not caring if he gets upset by it.

I till dont feel well from the night before, I close my eyes and dig off into a deep sleep.

Okay I know this chapter was short and boring, but the next one will be better/longer. I love your guys' feed back so keep it coming 😂 I love you all sooo much oof. :)

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