Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Wow Jaeden, I'm proud of you for telling your mom, but I'm sorry how everything else went down." Sophia says. She had come over a little after 8 tonight, after she was done babysitting. It's around 10 right now and we all are sitting on the couch in the basement. Just the four of us.

"It's okay, at least she knows now.. it just sucks that she doesn't like Wyatt." I sigh.

"She'll warm up to him eventually, I mean we all did." She saying, trying to comfort me.

"Yeah maybe you're right, but it's my mom. I mean friends have to like the person their friend is dating, right?"

"Well... no. But they dont have to hate then either." She says, "right guys..?" She asks the two boys who are too involved with their video game. "Finn!" Sophia snaps.

"What, sorry?" He jumps almost dropping the Playstation controller.

"Don't you agree with me?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Agree about...?" His face goes pale, knowing shes angry with him.

"Nothing." She rolls ehe eyes, turning back to face me. "Anyways, give it some time Jaeden, let your mom and Wyatt get to know each other." She shrugs. "She'll warm up the him eventually.. and if Ben likes him, thay could be a plus too."

"Yeah, I guess." I sigh.

"Jaeden, time for everyone to leave." My mom calls down

"Its only 10:30." Jack whines

"We're leaving. Maybe they need to talk." Sophia says, getting up from the couch. "C'mon boys, up. Let's go."

"Sorry guys." I tell them, not really wanting them to leave.

"It's fine, Jae. We'll see you tomorrow, maybe?" Finn questions, I nod. They grab thier stuff and walk up the stairs.

I hear giggles and turn around to see who it is. My jaw drops. I see Finn and Sophia standing on the stairs, shoving thier tongues down each others throat.

"Oh my God." I whisper. I can't believe what I just saw.

They both run up the stairs, saying goodbye to my mom and Ben.

"Jaeden get up here" my mom yells, interrupting me from my thoughts. I get off the couch and run upstairs, seeing that my friends have left.

"Yes?" I question.

"We have come up with your punishment."

"Oh my punishment for coming out as gay, and dating someone you don't like? Great." I roll my eyes.

"Not because of that, Jaeden." Ben says

"Oh you dont get to talk-"

"Jaeden! He has a right to be involved in this situation." My mom rises her voice

"He's not my dad-"

"Your father left us!- I, we are not getting into this." I roll my eyes.

"Well if you two are going to yell at me, can I please go?"

"We arent going to yell at you" Ben says

"She will." I point to my mom.

"Dont disrespect her!" He groans

"I'm not!" I put my hands up in defense, "it's the truth, she always yells at me."

"That's not true, Jaeden." She says, getting upset. I can tell she's faking, she just wants Ben to keep taking her side.

"Its okay, love" he puts his arms around her.

"Soo, are we going to talk or not. This is wasting my time." I tell them.

"We both decided that you are going to be grounded for 3 weeks. You dont get your phone at night for those 3 weeks, we are locking all the basement windows. No sneaking in or out. You cannot leave the house, and dont expect us to let you leave without us, or letting your friends come over-"


"And that includes Wyatt." She finishes.

"Mom! That's not fair. I-I need to see my friends. Please."

"No Jaeden, this is the least harsh punishment we chose."

"Can we compromise? Please? I'll do anything, just to be able to hangout with them, or talk to them.. please."


"Please. Or can I just have my phone, so I can text them? Please mom." I beg

She stays silent for a minute, clearly thinking about what's she's going to say.

"F-Fine! But they are not coming over, and we are still locking the windows."

"That's fine! Thank you, thank you."

"Now, Ben go lock the windows please, and I will meet you in the bedroom." My mom whispers the part about the bedroom, guessing I wouldn't hear.

"Okay, gross." I groan, "please keep your sex life pritave. Now excuse me, I am going to vomit. Goodnight." I say, walking downstairs, Ben following.

Right as I am about to close my door, Ben walks in.

"What do you want." I sigh, "here to yell at me or lock my window?" I sass.

"Neither." He says.

"Becuase- wait what?" I ask confused. "You, you arent locking my window? Why?"

"Because I want you to see your friends, see Wyatt.. just dont tell your mum, please."

"Of course I wouldn't tell her, are you crazy? Just why do you care?"

"Because I want you to be happy. Especially-"

"Yeah, yeah, especially right now. I got it." I say, wanting him to leave. "Just, can I be alone right now?"

"Of course, and if he comes over tonight, dont make it obvious."


"Just.. dont be too loud." My jaw drops. Did he really just say that.

"Excuse me, what?"

"Oh dont pretend like you dont know what I'm talking about." He rolls his eyes, "when I walked in on you two you guys where so close from doing it." He says

"W-we where not. Now, can you please leave me alone."

"Fine, fine." He turns to talk out of my room, "make sure he uses a condom. Spitter are quitters. He winks, and closes the door.

It's like he knows Wyatts coming over, and I don't even know if he is. Maybe I could text and ask him.

Jaeden: Hi.

Wyatt💕: Hi baby, what are you doing?

Jaeden: Laying in my bed. All alone.

Wyatt💕: Awe does someone wanna cuddle?

Jaeden: Well, we could do that too, if you could come over..

Wyatt💕: I'll be there in 15.

I smile and turn off my phone, grabbing my laptop and turning on Netflix to pass time.

Not long after, Wyatt taps on my window, I get up to open it.

"How was your day baby?" He asks, giving me a quick kiss.

"It was okay, I guess."

"Why just okay, what happened?" He asks, stripping his shirt off.

"J-Just cause I'm grounded again.. for 3 weeks." I dont take my eyes off his chest. God he could just fuck me right now.

"My eyes are up here, sweeite." He laughs. "But damn, you're grounded again. Such a bad boy, Jaeden. I think you need to be punished." He smirks at me, pulling on the bed with him.


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